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Cavy Presents - 3 Things To Get For The Cavy With Everything

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Guinea pig lovers really enjoy making their animals feel like they are really an essential part of the family, and a great way to do this is to treat your furry friend with a treat on a special occasion. For instance, maybe it's your animal's birthday, or the anniversary of when you bought him, or maybe you would really like him to feel like part of the family at Christmas. Regardless of your reasons, these are the 3 best gifts that you can give to your guinea pig:


1. Toys To Play With

There are so many guinea pig toys available on the market that you shouldn't have any trouble finding one that your pets will love. You can choose from houses, ropes, balls, tunnels, and many more. These toys all do a fantastic job of keeping your pets' minds and bodies active, helping them to live a happier, longer, and more fulfilled life.

2. Tasty Treats

If we're honest, we'd all get a bit bored if we were fed the same meals day after day. But this is what we expect our pets to do, dishing up the same dry mixture of nuts, fruit, and berries daily. Of course this isn't all bad, and in fact it's essential for your pet's wellbeing, but it's possible to add a bit of variety to your cavies' diet by throwing in some delicious treats every now and then.

3. Luxury Bedding

Recently, a whole range of products has been created that allow you to pamper your animals and let them live in luxury. One such example is the soft, luxurious bedding which provide more comfort than your pets' old shredded cardboard. Made from soft yet strong materials, they allow your animals to stay really snug while they are asleep. To wash them, just chuck them in the washing machine as you would with your own clothes, and they come out clean and ready to be used again!