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How To Care For The Fish In Your Koi Farm In Sydney

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Amongst all types of pond fish, koi is the most beautiful. Breeding this fish is a wonderful hobby. But it calls for regular care from your end. Follow the suggestions provided in this article to care for your koi fish.

Begin by choosing the ideal pond for your koi farm in Sydney. The pond should be 18 inches to several feet deep. Research about water parameters to maintain ideal temperature and condition in your pond at all times. Also, do not even think of buying diseased fish.

You can maintain koi fish along with other ornamental fishes. First, you have to know all about them. Koi are a colorful variety of common carp. They are freshwater fish. Koi fish can be the best pond or aquarium fish. The pond water needs to be around 200C and the pond needs to be large for them to thrive. Proper methods of pond filtration in Sydney must be used to keep the water clean and free from chemicals. You can keep the fish in outdoor ponds as well as indoor ponds. If you choose the first option, caution must be exercised to protect them from parasites and predators such as cats.

Help your koi enjoy the coolness in the depth of water. For this, you have to build a tank that’s at least 1 meter in height and more than twice in length. Koi fish recognize who feeds them and you can even train them to eat only from your hands. Make sure the food is authentic koi food in Sydney. Specially formulated koi foods are available in the market in the form of a pellet or stick. There are special foods for different age groups of koi, with different levels of protein content. For young koi, there’s high-protein food and for older koi, the protein content in the foods decrease. You should feed such an amount that can be eaten within minutes. Or else, the fish will eat too much. You have to feed carefully because fallen food particles can spoil the water condition. Not only packaged koi food, you can also feed fruits and leafy vegetables from time to time.

This fish is basically tough and can resist several diseases. But it can be difficult to maintain a healthy living condition for them. For instance, if the water temperature is less than 100C, it can defect their digestive system.

According to the season, you have to maintain the water condition which includes temperature, nutrient concentration and light condition. The pH level should be kept within 7 to 7.5. In addition to a pump, you must also install a skimmer system. To keep the water clean, you should replace around 20% of the water at least once in every 2 weeks.

Koi fish can be diseased when any abnormality in the water arises. Bacterial infections, sick plants and other diseased fishes can also be the reason for koi fish to become sick. Check for diseases by examining the underside of the belly of a koi fish. If the fish is sick, transfer it to another pond and replace the water where the fish stayed before.

With proper care, koi fish can live for as long as 40 years. You should have patience and a love for them to preserve their health.