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Goldfish - Good First Pets For Children

27 18:30:05
Goldfish in a home aquarium can be great pets for kids, particularly for those who have not had the opportunity to care for a living creature before. Why are goldfish such good first pets? First, fish (in general) help children learn responsibility for caring for other creatures but don't impose the pressure on parents of high maintenance or high cost. Also, fish tend to be quiet, clean and odor-free. Puppies and kittens (for example) are lots of fun, but require much more specialized and individual attention. Until you know how your child will react to owning a pet, fish are a wonderful and affordable first start.

Goldfish are colorful and easy to care for, and take a minimum of work to maintain once your tank is set up correctly. A bonus is that they don't require a heater in their environment either, as goldfish are a cold water species. Be sure though not to buy a tank that is too small for your goldfish. Goldfish can grow up to twelve inches in length. It is easy to make the mistake of buying a small bowl and then adding too many goldfish. This will only lead to disappointment for your child as they will sicken and die with great frequency. Be sure to ask the consultants at the pet store what size tank will work best for the number of goldfish you wish to care for at one time.

Your first trip to the pet store should be to purchase the tank, and any additional supplies to get your tank set up. It is best to set the tank up at least a few days ahead of time, so that you have properly conditioned the water and readied the environment. Encourage your child to help choose the plants and decorations for the tank. This will reinforce the ownership and responsibility attached to maintaining their fish and the aquarium environment. It is enjoyable to plan and to choose the scenery for your new aquatic neighbors, so don't rush too quickly to just get some plants and gravel quickly. Enjoy this time with your child. They will likely be eager to buy fish on this visit to the store, so prepare them ahead of time that the first shopping trip is to make a home for the fish, and that then the fish get to come home later when their tank is ready.

Once you are ready to purchase your new goldfish, look carefully to choose goldfish that are healthy and vibrant looking. Avoid fish that are swimming irregularly, have tattered fins, or who have clouded eyes. Once you get the fish home, carefully show your child how to add the new fish to the tank. Teach your kids how much food to feed and how often the fish need to eat. Kids will always tend to overfeed, so it is important to monitor how much food is actually being dispensed, especially at first. Once your children consistently follow the proper feeding pattern, you can then step back a bit and let them thrive in their new responsibility. It is important, though, to regularly provide guidance for other tank maintenance chores, such as cleaning and water levels. Keeping an aquarium is a task the whole family can enjoy!