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Top 5 Foods For A Healthier You

27 18:28:02

People all over the world want to start a healthier
lifestyle. That can be done by changing up the way that you eat. There are five
top foods that are known to make you healthier and feeling better about what
you are putting into your body.

The first item on the Michigan Home Care list of
healthy foods is oatmeal. Some people adore the taste, others not so much.
Little do people know, oatmeal is a wonderful source of fiber. It absorbs the
water that is in your digestive tract which helps make you feel like you are
full much longer than most foods without fiber. It doesn’t cause an increase in
blood sugar that will leave you exhausted with a crash later on in the day. Oatmeal
can help you maintain your energy throughout your busy day, and prevent you
from over-eating fatty foods.

Have you ever wanted a snack, but end up reaching for something with a lot of
sugar or carbs? Well instead of doing that, choose number two on the Michigan
In-Home Care list of healthy foods; carrots. This vegetable has
antioxidants that are called carotenoids. They give vitamin A to your body.
Vitamin A helps your skin to stay moisturized, leaving it smooth and soft.
Eating foods such as carrots that are high in vitamin A can help lower your
risk of inflammation and breakouts while being out in the sun.

Berries are number three on the Michigan Elder
Care list to a new healthier you. Berries are packed with antioxidants
which are great to fight inflammation. Your body’s tissues will be better
protected from injury by eating a high dose of berries each day. Berries also
keep the digestive system up and running as it should be. They can also prevent

Number four on the list is nuts. Omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts is a
great food choice for those trying to start eating healthy. They are high in
the amino acid arginine which helps with improved blood flow. The fifth food
item found to make people healthier is fish. Fish is also high in omega-3 fatty
acids. Salmon is a very common and tasty type of fish that many people do not realize
how good it is for them to chow down on. Eating healthier is a very important
part of life. People need to watch their weight and what they put in their body
to ensure that they live a well and steady lifestyle.