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What Are The Fish Oil Secrets For Stress?

27 18:25:42
Many doctors and natural health experts recommend taking omega-3 fish oil for stress, depression and anxiety. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for human health and they must be present in your diet. Otherwise, you could suffer from a host of physical and psychological disorders.

Omega-6s are also essential, but they are found in numerous foods. So, deficiencies are rare, only occurring in developing nations and in anorexic individuals.

Some omega-3s, including ALA, are found in a variety of foods, as well. But, the omega-3s that are known to be most important to human health (EPA and DHA) are found in abundant quantities in only one food. That is oily or fatty fish.
The EPA and DHA content varies from one species to the next and is even seasonal. DHA contents are higher during the winter months in coldwater species. EPA is found year-round, in varying quantities.

The reason we suggest taking fish oil for stress, depression and anxiety is simple. The brain needs it.

There are outside influences, such as jobs, family and money, that contribute to emotional disorders. But, if our bodies are well-nourished, we can more easily handle those issues.

There are some foods and beverages that contribute to poor mental health. Mostly, they are the same ones that contribute to poor physical health. Calorie dense, nutrient poor foods, in other words junk foods, are the main culprits. Caffeinated beverages may be responsible for many of the diagnosed cases of anxiety in this country.

There are other foods and beverages that contribute to good mental and physical health. The list of foods that we should be eating on a regular basis is too long to include here. But, fish, fruits and vegetables are at the top of the list.

If you are interested in taking fish oil for stress, depression or anxiety, be sure to choose a brand that contains both DHA and EPA. Some manufacturers list the total omega-3s, but fail to break down the content of the individual fatty acids.

DHA is most important to the brain, because it is a major component of neurons and brains cells. Without DHA, an infant’s brain will not develop normally. Attention deficit disorders, depressive behavior and bi-polar disorders have been linked to low blood levels of DHA.

If you try taking fish oil for stress or other emotional disorders and it seems to be ineffective, it probably contains more EPA than DHA. That is the case with most of the major brands on the market.

My recommendation is a brand that contains a minimum of 280mg of DHA per 1000mg capsule. You can start by taking two capsules per day, but research has proven that three per day is safe.

Higher doses are not recommended because of the supplement’s anticoagulant activity. Anticoagulants prevent the formation of blood clots, which is good for preventing heart disease and stroke, but could be a problem for people with existing health problems.

Once you start taking good omega-3 fish oil for stress, you will feel like a new person. I’ve seen it myself.

And now please visit the XtendFishOil website listed below for updated information on fish oil for stress.