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Fish Oil For Heart: Uncover What The Experts Are Saying

27 18:25:28
Fish oil, heart - these are two words that seem to go hand in hand these days especially among the health conscious crowd. But the question is: is there really any basis that supplements like fish oil for heart really performs as it is perceived; or is this another brilliant hype introduced by overzealous online marketers for a product no one really needs? This is what the experts are saying:

The first thing you have to remember is that fish oil has already been celebrated as a wondrous dietary supplement even before the turn of the century. Initially used as a way of warding off morning aches and bodily pains (because of its anti-inflammatory properties,) fish oil is now proven to have a number of health benefits including: helping improve visual clarity, boosting the person's inherent immune system, and improving the appearance of skin, hair and nails, etc.

Fish oil for heart is recommended by many health care providers because it has been proven time and time again that the three major components of fish oils can help promote healthier blood pressure levels in most patients. These 3 components are made up of: DHA or docosahexanoic acid, EPA or eicosapentaenoic acid, and Omega 3 fatty acids. In turn, Omega 3 fatty acids are made up of ALA or alpha-linolenic acid and small volumes of DHA and EPA as well.

All these components are necessary when it comes to balancing the good and bad cholesterol in the body. When taken in proper dosages, fish oil for heart has the capability to keep bad cholesterol or LDL (low density lipoprotein) at its minimum; while promoting a greater volume of HDL (high density lipoprotein) at the same time. This is important because LDL and HDL are the primary carrier molecules in the blood stream.

Cholesterol (and fats) does not dissolve in the blood or water, and are therefore carried everywhere the body. Unfortunately, cholesterol becomes "bad" when it mixes with LDL. When bad cholesterol is stored in high volume in the blood stream, it finds itself being transported and deposited into the arteries of the heart - having nowhere else to go.

This causes the plaque build-up that eventually blocks off the circulation to the smaller arteries of the coronary system. If the LDL or the bad cholesterol is not controlled, heart related complications occur including: atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

On the other hand, fish oil for heart encourages HDL. And HDL when combined with cholesterol becomes the "good cholesterol" simply because HDL processes the cholesterol and other fats out of the body. Instead of taking the cholesterol cells deeper into the pathways of the blood stream, it breaks the molecules down and redirects them to the liver, where they are processed and eventually prepared for expulsion either through urine or fecal matter.

In turn, this process of keeping high HDL levels in the blood stream helps support healthier blood pressure, because the arteries are cleared of potentially life threatening plaques or fatty deposits in the coronary arteries. So yes, it is safe to say that the correct dosages of fish oil for heart can help prevent all sorts of cardiovascular diseases.