Pet Information > Fishes > Fish Care > African Butterfly Fish

African Butterfly Fish

27 18:24:36
African Butterfly Fish
Scientific Name : Pantodon buchholzi

Common Names : African Butterfly Fish, Freshwater Butterfly

Care Level : Easy to Moderate

Potential Adult Size : Up to 4 inches (10 cm)

Tank Conditions : pH: 6 � 7.5, Temperature: 75F � 82F (24C � 28C)

Lifespan : 5 years or longer

Origin / Habitat : Africa

Temperament / Behavior : May try to eat smaller fish that feed on the surface and smaller fish that hang near the surface, such as hatchet fish.

Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : They have been bred in captivity and are egg layers. Eggs will float to the surface and may get eaten by parents and other fish.

Tank Size : 20 gallon minimum

Compatible Tank Mates : They can be relatively peaceful if kept with similar sized and larger tank mates. Avoid keeping them with smaller top dwelling fish.

Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease

Diet / Fish Food : An omnivore � provide a varied diet with live food, frozen food and they should accept flake food. They really enjoy small insects such as crickets.

Tank Region : Top

Gender : Difficult to determine

A really odd looking fish, the African Butterfly fish can make an interesting addition to the right tank. When viewed from above their pectoral fins resemble butterfly wings. They come from slow flowing rivers in Africa so it would be good to put them in a tank with slower water movement. They seem to float much of the time, so if you’re looking for a really active fish this may not be the one for you. They are predatory and will eat smaller surface dwelling fish
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