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How To Take Care Of Your Betta Fish

27 18:24:10
Do you have a Betta fish? Still struggling to fully take care of it and want to know the secrets to taking care of a Betta fish? Well this brilliant guide has every bit of information and more, every tip and trick to keep your Betta fish completely fit and healthy.

Knowing the right way to feed your betta is fundamental, because not doing it right can have big consequences on your Betta fish’s health. Firstly, select the proper food. Betta fish are very fussy eaters. A betta specific pellet is ok but live and frozen foods are preferable. There recommended diet includes frozen brine shrimp and frozen bloodworms.

Remember not to overfeed your Betta fish by carefully dosing their meals, more food equals more waste which can fatally alter the pollution levels of the water. Also do not leave uneaten food in the tank as it will rot and cause all sorts of problems to the tank’s environment.

Betta fish do not like eating their food off the bottom of the tank so when feeding get their attention, make them watch the food from outside the tank. And then drop it in for them to eat whilst it floats in the water then look at the belly, if it looks the same as it did before you fed it, it’s ok to give them more, but always watch and make sure to make the second portion smaller than the first. ��Another important part of maintaining your Betta fish is making sure that fish’s water is constantly of healthy level of cleanliness. To keep the water clean and fresh, you’ll need to replace the water. Don't change all the water at once, as the abrupt shift in the environment can harm fish. You should only change about 25%-50% of the water in the tank at a time. Don't cause a huge shift in the water temperature as it may affect the Betta fish drastically. At a minimum you should do at least 20-30% water change once a week but 30-40% will be better for the Betta fish in the long run.

If you have decorations in your tank then you will have to clean those too as they will become dirty and became a danger to water’s cleanliness. When cleaning your decorations, the golden rule is to not use detergents or cleaning products as when you re-introduce the decorations to the tank, any the cleaning liquid left may adjust the water’s pH level. Instead you should use warm water only to gently clean the decorations and then put them back into the tank once they are at room temperature.

Though I cannot tell you how to cure every single ailment and illness that a Betta fish can suffer, I can tell you signs and symptoms of illness. If you’re Betta fish loses it colour rapidly, has clamped fins, becomes lethargic or suffers a loss of appetite then take notice and make simple changes like cleaning the tank completely or trying new food. You should also consult with a fish expert because there are several types of medicines available that can help cure your sick betta.