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Keeshonds: A guide to dogs and puppies of the Keeshond breed

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The Keeshond!

The Keeshond comes in other names that include Keeshonden, Wolfspitz or Chien Loup. It is a medium-sized dog whose physical features make it look like it’s a toy wolf and a small lion combined. This huggable small dog has lion-like tresses in its neck, shoulders, and chest (if a male) and a face with fox-like expression. Having a double coat, its outercoat is lavish and striking in color (shades of cream and gray with black tips) and in appearance (standing away from the body as if it has just been newly washed then combed); its undercoat, short, thick, and in pale or gray colors. It has “trousers” in its legs, or its characteristic heavy coat on these areas. It has oblique eyes in deep reddish-brown color, erect triangle-shaped ears, and medium-length plumed tail. Another Keeshond distinction is its spectacles, which give out the expression. Spectacles are actually delicate dark lines slanting from the corner of the eyes towards the ears, giving the dog shadings in its orbital area.

Some Quick Facts:

Life Expectancy:
12 to 15 years

Energy Level:
Higher than average..

Living Conditions:
Needs yard; not for hot climates.


Exercise Needs:
Long daily run or very active yard play.

Breed Group:


17 to 19 inches

50 to 60 pounds

Standard Hair Colors:
Cream, gray to dark gray and black with gray markings.

National breed club:
Keeshond Club of America

Keeshond Skills

Originating from the Arctic, the Keeshond breed began as early as the 18th century. Then it became the symbol of the common and middle-class Dutchmen during the French Revolution. Over the years, they were used to guard canal boats thus it was called the Dutch Barge Dog.

Keeshond Personality

This handsome breed is a family favorite, being an out-going companion and great with kids. It is lively, alert, and intelligent. As s household member, it is affectionate, friendly, and on the go for family affairs. With other pets, it is tolerable or timid (if not socialized as a pup). Its common trait is spinning in circles, which it does when delighted. In fact, this breed can be trained to perform. Aside from these, the Keeshond is also a great watchdog, for it is generous in giving warning barks.

Exercise Needs

The Keeshond demands average workout. An hour-long run in an open field once a day should suffice, since it is active even when indoors.

Living Conditions

This house pet is fine living in an apartment that has a medium-sized yard where it can run, spin, and be lively. It should be noted that due to their thick coats, this breed adapts well to cool climates and will be uncomfortable in hot zones.

Grooming Requirements

Use a stiff, bristle brush over its thick coat daily. Bathe when necessary, just as a precaution against ticks, fleas, and other potential skin problems. This breed sheds twice a year.

Health Issues

The Keeshond can be susceptible to hip dysplasia and heart disease. Due to its heavy coat, it can also be prone to skin problems. In addition, it has a strong tendency to gain weight easily and should be controlled from becoming overweight.

If you liked this dog…

...because it is so fluffy and soft, a Pomeranian will suit your preference. The Pomeranian is even smaller (lower and thinner), thus making it more huggable. Although the Pomeranian may lack Keeshond’s spinning, it nevertheless is a good companion dog with remarkable intelligence. Other fluffy breeds that have similar features and personality traits as the Keeshond include the Samoyed, Chow Chow, and Elkhound; all of which are bigger breeds. The Elkhound, in particular, has the coloring similar to Keeshond and is only slightly bigger.
