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White German Shepherd Puppies

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White German Shepherd Puppies

White German Shepherd Puppies


White German Shepherd Puppies
German Shepherds are the third most popular breed according to the American Kennel Club, and the White German Shepherd is a beautiful variation of the breed. White German Shepherds are German Shepherds bred for the white color trait, and have not been interbred with any other breed. For this reason, White German Shepherds puppies have the similar needs (and problems!) as their dark counterparts.

The white trait of the German Shepherd was originally actually considered a disqualifying fault by many dog clubs. This dates back all the way to World War II, when the faulty medical examinations of the Nazi era extended even to animal breeders, and the white trait was (incorrectly) blamed for many genetic disorders and health problems. However, the breed is currently recognized by a number of organizations, with its origins traced to Switzerland where it was first recognized as a separate breed.

Before you get your puppy
As with any other breed, there are a few things to consider before you choose a puppy. You should be aware of some things before you make a commitment such as buying a puppy. The very first thing you need to figure out is whether you are ready to raise a puppy; this page can help you figure out whether getting a puppy is right for you, and help you puppy-proof your home. White German Shepherds live an average of 12 years, so this is a long-term commitment and should not be taken lightly.

Once you are convinced that you want a puppy, there are still more things to consider. The White German Shepherd is a wonderful breed who can be a great addition to a wide variety of different households. However, these dogs are very active and extremely intelligent, and they need a lot of room and interaction. If you plan on getting a White German Shepherd puppy and leaving them in an apartment all day, there is a good chance that you will come home to a wreck. An ideal household for a White German Shepherd has a yard for it to run around in, and an owner who is willing to train and interact with the dog. If you do not have much space or time to devote to your new puppy, the White German Shepherd might not be the right breed for you. Consult this page to figure out what kind of breed is right for you.

Another important question to address is where you will get your German Shepherd puppy. Breeders are the best choice, but there are other options. Beware of breeders who try to over-charge for White German Shepherd puppies by saying that they are "rare and exotic" - they are not, and you should not have to pay an unreasonable price for them.

Aside from coat color, there is not much of a difference between White German Shepherds and the dark ones. This means that the White German Shepherd is susceptible to similar health problems and special needs that you should be aware of before you purchase a puppy. German Shepherds tend to be prone to hip problems. They also require regular grooming because their double coat does mean a lot of shedding. White German Shepherds can also be vocal, displaying a wide range of vocalization, so beware if noise bothers you.

Choosing a puppy
So you've found a good, reputable source to get your puppy from and now you are ready to make your choice. How do you choose a White German Shepherd puppy?

The puppy should look healthy and be active. His fur should be thick and not matted. If you get to see him with his litter-mates, he should be playful and interact with the other puppies. Check for signs of sickness such as soft stool - if one puppy is sick, there is a good chance that the others are as well. The puppy's coat might not be perfectly white - dark stains can occur from newspapers used as litter - but he should be otherwise clean and not smell bad.

Watch the puppy to get a sense of its temperament. You might be tempted to choose the most active puppy who gets into everything and looks cute. However, this might not be the best decision, as these are the puppies who grow up to need constant watching over to keep them out of trouble - remember that White German Shepherds are smart and active. At the same time, you do not want to choose a puppy who seems afraid of people, as this is a bad sign.

Gender is also something to keep in mind, though the differences between sexes are not extreme. Male White German Shepherds can sometimes be more assertive and aggressive than females. They also grow to be slightly larger than females.

White German Shepherd puppies bond at a much younger age than other breeds, and for this reason should be brought home at an earlier age. The best age to take a puppy home is around 7 to 8 weeks of age, but you might be able to get one a week younger (but never younger than 6 weeks!).

Special needs
White German Shepherd puppies need to be socialized as soon as possible since the breed tends to form strong bonds with the owner but be cautious of others. Training is also essential. White German Shepherd puppies need a stronger and stricter discipline than other dogs because they can be hard-headed if they sense that they are stronger-willed than their owner. White German Shepherds learn quickly and need to be challenged regularly, to give them something to channel their mental energy into. Training and interaction should continue into adulthood since this breed is extremely high energy.

Starting early is key with White German Shepherd puppies. If they are properly taken care of when they are little, these dogs can make a loyal companion and good friend who will love you and protect you for life.