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Bring Home More Bacon By Avoiding These Catastrophes

27 17:04:25
You're the Top Cat - The Boss. But business isn't always purring along. So, go on! Ask me 'ow to overcome these 6 obstacles in business.

Okay, okay, I'm being a little tongue in cheek with the cat references. But, hey, when I saw that millions of people click on "Bacon" and "Cats", can you blame me for pouncing on that social media treadmill?

Joking aside, II fully intend to share some viable information with you that will help you bring home the bacon so you have time, energy, and money left over to do the things you want to do!

Alas, the path to purr-vana is paved with obstacles. Here are 6 challenges that business owners need to master in order to become the catalysts for growth in their businesses.

Challenge 1: Not Tracking and Measuring.

Guessing on your numbers? Let's paws here. You're the Top Cat, and busy as you are, it's tempting to just guess your numbers. In the short run it might work, but in the long run you'll be destroyed. "It's like herding cats" one business owner said when trying to chase after numbers that had not been tracked. You need to track and measure EVERYTHING so that when you predict, plan, prepare, and/or produce a product or service, you'll base that action on real numbers - not made up ones.

Challenge 2: Saying, "I can't afford help."

Are you opting not to hire and instead to do everything yourself to save money? What are you worth per hour? $50? $75? $100+? Some business owners work like employees in their businesses figuring they are saving money, but if you can hire an assistant at $10-$20 an hour to do what you were doing for $100 an hour, you could have a lot more time, energy, and money left over to work ON not IN your business!

Challenge 3: Hiring the Wrong Team.

Putting a "Dream Team" together requires knowing what it takes to develop a winning team, including what to look for in a potential employee to ensure he or she fits the position. Of course, that just scratches the surface of team building! Key components include:

* Clear communication of your mission, vision, and culture

* Education and training of employees (and of yourself!)

* Understanding the DISC personality profile

* Creating the right working environment

* Recruiting Team Members through effective advertising

* Leading by example

Challenge 4: Forgetting What Business You Are Really In.

You're in the business of acquiring customers and customer service. Forget "Here, Kitty, Kitty," or setting out the metaphoric bowl of milk to attract customers. You need added value, my friend. You need to stand out. Fluff your stuff! Buy those customers. Yes, buy them.

Challenge 5: Not targeting the Right Market.

Mice would likely not shop down the catnip aisle of their local market. Gourmet chefs would likely not cook at McDonald's. My point? Targeting the right market involves brand recognition, testing and measuring, and reaching the markets you want through social media, direct mail, brochures, press releases, and other methods of targeting the right customers.

Challenge 6: Not Knowing Your Competition.

To be the Top Cat you have to know your completion…yeah, that "Top Dog" over there that thinks his service or product beats yours. Just remember, it's a dog-eat-dog world. Let them fight it out. You don't have to love your enemy in this case, but you do need to appreciate that competition is good for keeping you alert, focused, and ready to pounce. Learn how co-opetition over competition can catapult you to greater heights!

And there you have it! Follow these six steps to eliminate complications and increase your company's purr-formance significantly.

Okay, just out of curiosity, how many cat/s did you catch in this article?

0-4 You are clearly overworked and need to get more sleep

5-9 You are a big-picture kind of leader and sometimes miss the small stuff

10-14 You have a competitive spirit and like to come out on top

15-19 You have a keen eye for detail

20+ A little obsessed are we? Might be time to go to the nearest shelter and adopt a cat.