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Chocolate Labrador Puppies Are Rare And Friendly

27 17:04:17
There are numbers of different breeds of dogs available and all of them are unique and attractive in their own way. All kinds of breeds have high demands some like bog dogs and some want small dogs. You can see that there is no special requirement for dogs and all of their breeds have good demands.

The most famous breeds are Dalmatians, German Shepherds and Labrador; these dogs come in the category of big dogs and can be kept as guard dogs as well. The other famous guard dogs are Rottweiler and Bull dogs as they too are aggressive in nature and bull dogs are more dangerous as they tend to get angry on their masters too.

Then there are small breeds of dogs which are quite famous and they are mostly kept by women such as Chihuahua. This breed of dog is small in size and they can be called toy dogs too as they cannot guard you but can play with you. Women tend to find this breed cute and they can dress and give different make over’s to their dogs.

Dogs are kept for different purposes such as guarding the premises, keeping at home so that children can play with him, then dogs are used by military and police forces to counter narcotics and trace out suspects easily. You should know that dogs need good care and training in order to keep him happy and healthy. You should have proper vaccination and get his health checked by the vet frequently. You should give proper food and dog treats which are healthy and certified by the concerning authority as this is necessary for the healthy growth of your dog.

There is a great demand for dogs which breeds are now very rare and one of such breeds is chocolate Labrador puppies. Their chocolate color is the rarest of Labrador color and is high in demand too as the color shines from dark to light when hit by sunlight. These Labrador puppies are very playful and friendly and they will tend to follow you everywhere in the house if they adopt great affection towards you.

Your Labrador puppy will show great affection and love towards you in front of other people and dogs are of this nature no matter what breed they are. These puppies have great energy and they are the most playful when they are small. They need good attention and care when they are small as they tend to injure themselves while playing out in dangerous places and accidently eat harmful things as well.

You need to train your dogs from small age as they will learn to listen to different commands such as sit and roll over which are the most common commands taught to dogs and they then will know their place to sleep and excrete as well.

Well trained chocolate Labrador will tend to be friendly with new people and might play with them as well even when their master is not present.