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How To Teach Your Old Dog New Tricks

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The time you take now will create a well-mannered pet who seeks to please you and live as part of the family. Read on to learn how to train your dog properly.

To obtain optimal results, used treats that your dog loves. This can even be something that the dog is not normally permitted to have, like hot dogs or cheese.

It might be hard, but you must be patient around your dog. Your dog isn't fluent in English after all. He'll learn in time, but only with consistent reinforcement. Remain calm and take several breaks if you're getting frustrated often during the training session.

Verbal cues are very important to make sure that your dog is under your command. A positive word will give your dog time to obey.

Consistency makes it easier to teach your dog how to control himself. Take your dog to the bathroom at least once each hour. When he eliminates outside, give him praise. Don't yell at your dog for having an accident. Yelling does not teach, and the dog won't understand why you're upset. Instead, give the pet every chance to succeed by taking it outside as soon as you remove it from the crate and roughly 15 minutes after it eats or drinks.

Make sure you pay attention to the limitations of older dogs. Most older dogs will be harder to train since their own personalities have already settled in. Keep in mind that when you adopt a dog that is older, it may have developed certain habits. Embrace their not so bad behaviors and focus on retraining their negative behaviors.

When you are training your dog, bad behavior needs to be discouraged. Use a firm voice when you say "no" to your dog. You should never yell at your dog, nor strike your canine with your hand or any physical object. Immediately react to bad behaviors so they know the cause of the punishment. Dogs can't remember very long. Waiting will only confuse the dog.

Regulate your dog's feeding time if you want to regulate his "potty" times too. Feed your pooch several times daily at the same hour. This will help you figure out when the best time is to take your dog out and avoid accidents.

One thing you can try is to have your dog learn to hold toys in his mouth. Use a clicker to give the dog a treat whenever the dogs uses his mouth to hold a toy. Once your dog does this some more, pause until he places the toy within his mouth. When he does, just click and then give a reward. Next, only give him a reward if he holds the toy using his mouth.

To train young dogs to walk with a leash, you must first have the dog wear a collar during playtime. Having the puppy get comfortable wearing the collar is important not only so that you can properly use a leash but also that your puppy has the proper identification tags in case he or she takes off.

You must remove any chewing issues. This prevents them getting hurt and also saves you irritation and money. Apply the tips you learned here to your dog training plan and your dog can be the well-behaved pet you've always wanted.