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Dog Skin Problems: Canine Itching And Scratching, And Hot Spot Irritations

28 10:58:29
Have you ever noticed some rather peculiar behaviors from your beloved pet dog? Have they been exhibiting more and more signs of discomfort and irritation? If so, then you might want to take a little canine health check for your loyal pup because there are a lot of different theories and speculations circulating around forums and networks of dog enthusiasts regarding the latest or hippest dog disease that is out to harm your pet dog. Entertaining all of these might just drive you mad or worse; misdiagnose your pet’s condition.

In dealing with matters of health, especially for your defenseless and vulnerable pet dogs, you have to be nothing short of precise. For example you might have noticed that your dog has been exhibiting signs of excessive itching, scratching, licking, or gnawing so you automatically assume it to be one of those simple allergies that go away after a while. But then again, you have to make sure because such behaviors may just point to dog skin rashes that are often associated with extreme weather conditions. In hotter climates, these resulting rashes are what we call �hot spots�.

Indeed there are various explanations offered and some of them are even conflicting with one another causing a disjunct in valuable information. However, there are several common factors and symptoms that are reported to be somewhat attributed to the dog skin disease called hot spots. As reported in various cases, dogs suffering from this skin condition develop an itch or an irritation so severe as to cause dogs to scratch themselves excessively and often times leading to open wounds injuring affected dogs.

Such resulting open wounds are just about the perfect breeding grounds for some bacteria and other such parasites to reside and fester into major skin infections. Again as evidenced by the name, this type of skin infection is mostly prevalent in warmer areas and climates, which make the skin of dogs more prone to moisture and attracting more of these parasites to cling to the skin. However there have also been reports and isolated cases of these skin diseases, more specifically hotspots, in colder areas. This only means to say that there is no specific trend that limits this skin disease to one area or weather climate. Hence, if there is no specification or limit as to where this dog skin problem originates or thrives, then there could also be no specification or limit as to which type of dog is more prone or susceptible to this kind of ailment.

Needless to say, many kinds of dogs in many different places have pretty much the same chances of falling prey to this kind skin disease. So this should serve as a firm reminder to all dog owners to never be complacent when it comes to the safety of their pet dogs.As far as treatments go, there are various treatments and corrective methods that dog owners may choose to resort to, but it is their dog’s best interest to always seek the expert advice and recommendation of their trusted vet first and foremost.