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Seeking Simple Solutions For Dogs? Look No Further!

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Dogs make the perfect pet because they are loving, loyal and great with children. But, dogs are not simply born this way. They require proper care along with some training to follow the rules you set for them. The following article can help.

Make sure you are informed of what flea treatments you are using for your dog. Many have ingredients that may put kids at risk for various cancers over 1000 times what the EPA may consider to be safe. Ask your vet about alternative treatments that are more family-friendly, and be sure to keep small children away during applications.

Be sure to keep all medications out of the reach of children and pets. If the dog gets near the pills, then just a few of them could do serious harm and result in a trip to emergency room. Call your vet as soon as possible if your dog swallows any pills.

Never take your dog away from home without a leash, even if he is well-behaved. You never know when something might spook him or distract him, leading to devastation. You are responsible for anything your dog does, as well as for his safety.

Associate some hand signals to verbal commands when training your dog. Your dog may have a better time understanding you when you use manual signals. Not every dog will learn the same, so try different techniques with your dog.

Carefully consider what your home is like when deciding on a breed of dog. A good example would be if you are a runner. A dog that can keep up with you while you run would be a good choice. If you are more of a homebody, a smaller, less active dog who enjoying being pampered is the better choice. Both of you are sure to be happier if you choose a good match.

When a dog behaves badly, correct him immediately. When you ignore this behavior, your dog thinks that it is okay. Your dog could hurt somebody, including you, so keep him under control.

If your vet gives you special instructions for your dog's care, follow them to the letter. They may not like their cone, but they need it for a purpose. Your vet recommendations should be taken seriously for the betterment of your dog's health.

Pay attention to the nails of your canine. If they start curling under, your dog may experience a lot of pain. It is easy to keep nails trimmed with simple implements available at pet stores. If you aren't comfortable with this, invest a little money and take your dog to the groomers.

If you want a pure bred dog, do not discount the pound as a place to find him. Lots of dog owners will leave their dog stranded whenever they don't want it anymore. Call the pound to see what breeds they've got. You can save the life of an abandoned dog this way.

They say dog's faces show a lot of emotions, and that fact is not very surprising. The tips in this article, though, can help you during those times that you feel overwhelmed with being a pet owner. Your new knowledge will certainly make for a happy dog.