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How To Reduce Dachshund Back Problems and Improve Dachshund Health?

25 16:16:58

Do you get concerned about Dachshund back problems, when you see a large or small Dachshund that is out for a walk, pulling on their leash, choking and hacking as they go?


I shudder to think how bad this is for a Dachshund's health, especially their back and spine. Your Dachshund is really hurting themselves when they get away with acting like this.

Check your leash, it could be the problem for this bad behavior. Almost all dogs pull and strain when a leash attached to the collar is being used.

You can determine the damage that can be caused to your dog, by doing a simple test on yourself. Put a towel around your neck and have someone hold it while you try to move in the opposite direction. If you did this 2 or 3 times a day, you can see how much damage you could do.

My Dachshund injured her back when she was allowed to be unrestrained in the back seat of my car. Even though I thought it was a break, she got away with only a sprain in her neck. It was 6 horrible weeks before she could leave her crate and walk without pain.

Walking was a big part of her life and she wanted to start again as she improved. I knew because of her delicate neck, that there was no way she could go out with a collar leash again.

I had seen many dogs that were on a harness leash and they didn't seem to pull as much or put as much strain on their necks and backs. After doing some research I had settled on a harness leash.

The harness I purchased, slips over her head then under each leg, with a fabric square that rested on her chest. The pressure is spread out over her chest area and under her legs. My Nellie walked with no pulling like a crazy thing, no hacking and no pain. I feel comfortable now taking Nellie for her walks and she seems to enjoy the fact that she now has a harness leash.

Please don't risk the potential for giving your Dachshund back or neck problems because of a bad type of leash. Windpipe damage is just one of the problems a collar leash can cause. Dachshunds are unique because of their short legs and very long back. A collar leash can create upward pressure that will injure the neck area. Your dog can have great walks if you are utilizing the correct leash, a harness leash.