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Why The Dachshund Isnt Your Average Hot Dog

27 13:49:22
Dachshunds make an affectionate and faithful family pet when you know hoe to look after them...

The Dachshund (pronounced "Dacks-hund") commonly known as the "wiener dog" because of their elongated body, is a wonderful companion with a keen sense of smell. Dachshunds have impeccable smellers because they were originally developed in Germany in the 15th century to track badgers. In fact, the name Dachshund is German meaning "Badger Dog".

Although bred for hunting, Dachshunds are incredibly loveable and enjoy being around people, especially their family. Sometimes this breed can be timid around strangers, and aggressive towards their fellow canines. They can tolerate considerate children, but are best with older kids (ages 10 and up). In addition, this breed can be temperamental, have a strong personality, and is sometimes quick to bite. They should never be trusted around rodent family pets.

Dachshunds like to bark and produce quite a loud sound for their size. They will alert their owners to the presence of strangers making them a pretty good watch dog.

Dachshunds love taking long walks and enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunately, their love for the outdoors is also displayed in their passion for digging. The Dachshund is prone to digging because his job when tracking badgers was to borrow underground after them. This is also why his body is uniquely shaped. Therefore, digging is one of his natural instincts. Hence, you should make sure when you walk your Dachshund that you keep him on a leash, so he doesn't run after a squirrel or another rodent.

Even though the Dachshund dog has a long body, he has very short legs and only stands between 5 - 10 inches at the withers. His ideal weight is anywhere from 15 - 25 pounds. His weight should be monitored as he can easily gain weight from being overfed and becoming inactive. Overall, the Dachshund is a healthy breed and has a life expectancy of 12 - 15 years.

Nevertheless, because of his distinctive body shape, Dachshunds are prone to spinal problems and should be discouraged from climbing stairs, jumping up on curbs and furniture. Many Dachshund owners assist their pets by providing them ramps that allow them to easily go up and down without putting the stress on their back that jumping would cause.

It is interesting to note that many people who are interested in owning a Dachshund, are not aware that this breed actually comes in three different coat varieties: smooth hair (most popular), wire haired and long haired.

The long haired variety requires daily brushing and the wire haired needs to be professionally clipped at least twice a year. However, regardless of the type of coat, all are average shedders and the coats are available in two solid colors of tan or yellow; bi-coloring that can include black, gray, brown, and a bright shade of chestnut; and piebald, speckle streaked and harlequin.

As was previously mentioned, the Dachshund loves his owner. That being said, if dominance training is not established when Dachshunds are puppies, they will attempt to control their owner. They have an extremely bold and proud personality. They are known to be highly tenacious, particularly when it comes to training, and they will test their owner's patience during this process in an attempt to gain control.

Nonetheless, when they are effectively trained and made an active part of the family, the Dachshund is an affectionate and faithful pal that will be loyal all the days of his life.