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Potty Training a Puppy - Things You Ought To Know - Part 2

27 13:44:48
All puppies make mistakes when they are going through house and potty training. It is in fact part and parcel of the training. If you leave your puppy to himself, he's bound to make mistakes. He needs to be supervised, so try to have someone to be with him as far as possible. Until he goes through four weeks of not eliminating in the house, don't consider him housetrained. If he's older, this should be a longer period.

Monitor him constantly, and baby gates can be used to restrict his wanderings within the house and crates can be use to constrain him when there is no supervision. If you notice your puppy squats to urinate or relieve himself while greeting you, he could be afflicted with submissive urination. Such dogs are hypersensitive and should not be scolded for this behavior, since punishment only worsens the problem. This will not persist with his maturity if you maintain a sense of calm. Alternatively, you can try asking him to sit and stay still for a yummy snack until someone acknowledges his presence.

Try to get rid of the smell of urine or defecation to reduce the chances of your puppy going back to the exact spot to conduct his business and this will reduce the occurrence of committing the same mistake. Dogs tend to return to the same spot they have targeted earlier.

A good deodorizer is key to ridding the home of pungent doggy smells. Soak the carpet with cleaning agents should he relieve himself on it. Shut off all those rooms in your house where your puppy has made frequent mistakes. Only allow him permission to pass if he is in the presence of a family member and has approval.

A useful way to spot and remove urine stains from carpets and furniture is to utilize black lights as stains will show up, a;;owing for more efficient cleaning. You can use commercial or create a homemade deodorizer by mixing 50% water and 50% white vinegar. Do bear in mind that ammonia should not be used on a spot of urine. It will encourage your dog to return to the same spot.

Remember, dogs will make mistakes during the period of house-training and it is part of the learning process. This is the reason for being prepared to deal with such issues.

a. Don't punish him when he makes a mistake already as this only delays training.

b. Be patient. Like any training endeavor, potty training requires a lot of patience. Don't rub his nose into his mess. This will not teach him not to repeat it and will only end up making him frightened of you.

c. If you catch him while he is in the midst of doing, stop him with a quick grab of his collar and pull him up while making a startling sound, a sharp noise or say "No" using your deep, stern tone loudly. Do this only when you catch him red-handed, but be sure not to be too loud or he will eliminate in front of you or perhaps even outdoors.

d. Bring him out to the gardens to let him complete his business. Lastly, pat him on his head while saying "Good boy!" or praising him. Remember to shower your dog with encouragement and praises when he is displaying the desired behavior. Giving him food as a reward when he does his business in the appropriate spot can help too.

During potty training, the use of common sense will aid you big time in dealing with your puppy's housebreaking endeavor. Logical thinking should inform you not to give your dog too much water before bedtime if his tendency is to pee often at night. Catering to his schedule first will prove to be very helpful in making it gradually change and adapt to yours.

Aside from patience and common sense, consistency is also one of the important factors of this dog training activity. If you suddenly forget about the routines yourself, don't blame if your dog if he starts committing accidents more often.

Remember that the stakes are high - a dirty and malodorous house. If you would like to succeed in this potty training feat or just about in any other training drills, don't treat it as a game. You need to be responsible and spend enough time on your side.