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Natural Dog Food - Give Your Dog The Best

27 13:41:42
Dog owners today have become more wary about the type of dog food they feed their beloved pets, after recent contaminated dog food scares. For many, natural dog foods have become the products of choice, not only for their safe, healthy ingredients, but because they are just as easy as traditional commercial products.

Meat is considered the best natural dog food. Meat protein is required and preferred by dogs. Fresh meat is the best for your dog. A butcher or meat processor will be able to give you the freshest meat. Other advantages are that you will be able to buy in bulk and get a better price, and you can have it cut in any way your like, or ground, as per your dog's preference.

When making natural dog food, always use good types of meat as the main ingredient. Some examples are lean beef, stewing meat, beef heart and liver, boneless steak and roast. You may also use lamb or boneless, skinless chicken breasts, fillets, or thighs. Using these quality meats will ensure you are making a healthy natural dog food for your pet.

Also select vegetables to add. The best vegetables for your dog may include squash, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, carrots, parsnips, beets, yams, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. These vegetables will provide the necessary nutrients. Again, try to select produce that is as fresh as possible.

There are some vegetables, which can cause digestive problems or cause damage to the cells. Some examples of such vegetables that should be avoided are beans, beet greens, spinach, peas, garlic, onions, chard, bell peppers, tomato and potato. You may however, mix the vegetables with the meat.

Determine how much to feed your dog per day. To find out how much to feed an adult dog, take his body weight and multiply it by 0.4. The resultant number, as a very general guide, is the total number of ounces your dog should be eating in a day. It can be taken either in one big meal or divided into a morning and dinner meal. Chop the meat and vegetables into chunks small enough for your dog to eat easily and serve it raw. You can find many recipes for dog food on the internet.

A person's pet from a pre-cooked processed pellet of kibble,cannot have the highly nutritional natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes that he can get from sojos food. Since this food does not contain artificial flavors or preservatives, the pet has all the natural human quality ingredients.