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Boxer Dog: Using Crate

27 13:36:08
Some people deem that crating a Boxer dog is one way of being cruel or inhumane to the animal. But over the years, more and more people are using crate because they have discovered the value of this wonderful piece. If used properly, using a crate is not bad after all. It offers a lot of benefits in fact. Though it looks like a jail to some people, dogs don't see it that way. The crate is something they can call their own, where they feel secure and comfortable. Again, if used properly.

Using a crate will give you peace of mind knowing that your dog is right confined in his comfortable crate, especially when you really need to leave him alone and no one is there to watch him on the loose. You can also be sure that nothing will be soiled or destroyed while you are away. Your favorite pair of shoes is safe therefore! Not just that. Crate is an ideal housebreaking aid too. Dogs are den-dwelling creatures and would not soil their dens as much as possible. This will motivate your Boxer dog to wait until taken outside.

The crate should suit your dog's needs inorder to really maximize its uses. It should be large enough to allow your dog to move and turn around, stretch out and stand without hitting his head. However, it should not be too large to give the dog the chance to soil one side and move to play and sleep in the other side. If your dog is still a puppy, choose a crate that will accommodate his adult size. In this way, you wouldn't be needing to buy one when your Boxer is a grown dog already. Practical, right? Just block off the excess space so your dog can't eliminate at one end and retreat to the other end. The crate should also be comfortable to keep your pet warm during winter or to keep your pet cool during the hot days.

Place the crate in a sheltered place and as much as possible, in a place where the family members stay most of the time. Keep the crate clean and provide easy access to fresh water at all times. And remember, never use the crate to punish your pet. The crate is your dog's home, not his prison cell, so never use it to punish him.