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Choosing The Right Dog Cage For Your Dog

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Dog cages and dog carriers are instrumental in offering safety and security to the dog. These two objects make up most of the accessories you would require for the safety and security of your pet dog. Read on to know more about dog cages and dog carriers.
Dog cages, also known as dog crates, are a very good transport option for the pet dog. It is instrumental in ensuring that your pet is in a safe living environment wherever they are, whether inside a vehicle or outside in public transport. The dog cage can either be made of metal, wire plastic or fabric so you can always choose the right dog cage to suit ypu and your dog Also, a dog in transportation in a car may create scenarios of risk for itself as well as the driver if it is unrestrained and could cause damage to itself or to the driver or any passengers in the car. Therefore, dog carriers and dog cages are always used while transporting a dog from one place to another. There are various types, sizes and designs in which a dog carriers are available. Ensure that the dog carrier is spacious enough to give your dog place to rest and lie around and to feel comfortable in, you can use varios products on the market to make them get used to it better.

Here is some information about the different kinds of dog crates and their advantages and disadvantages:

Aluminum Crates: Aluminum crates are very light in weight though very durable when implemented with the right bracing. Aluminum is a metal that will not rust. They also allow for excellent airflow and vision for the dog. Aluminum dog crates do look sleeker, as compared to the other wire crates. They do last for a long time are very strong and come in a lot of different shapes and sizes.

Wire Crates: Wire crates are another good way to transport your pet dog. They can t be folded for storage and transport. Wire crates provide more airflow for the dog along with a clearer view for the people outside. Wire crates are fairly heavy for their size and it may be difficult for a single person to handle a wire crate. Wire Crates are mostly used at kennels and dog shows. These crates allow greater visibility to the spectators, and spectators can get a clear idea of the dog's awards and rewards during a dog show. They are also very easy to clean and provide provide maximum protection and ventilation. Wire Dog crates come in many types and sizes. Typically the height and length of your dog will determine what size dog crate you should purchase. The ideal size should enable your dog to stand up, without ducking his head below his shoulders and allow your dog to lie down and stretch to his full body length without being cramped

Soft Crates: Soft crates also act as a good transport and safety object for your pet dog. These cages are made of fabric and allow the dog greater sense of security, along with offering visibility. However, these soft crates are not suggested for use with dogs who have the habit of chewing or biting as the cages can get badly damaged and you will have to fork out on a new cage