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Riding in Cars with Your Dog

27 13:49:48
When you brought your pup home from the kennels you may have had your first experience with a carsick dog. Some dogs take to cars naturally and never have a sick moment. Others are nauseated by the motion of the car and other factors and get sick at the thought of going for a ride. The central problem is one of confidence; he has to be made to feel sure of the situation, and of his surroundings.

Consider it from his point of view. Suddenly he is thrust into a strange - smelling monster of steel and padding, closed in a small place which immediately starts moving and bumping about with gasoline smells, motor oil and horn noises and the sight of the world rushing by him.

You can start things out right by not feeding him for an hour or so before taking him for a ride. That takes some of the physical load off his system. If you are driving alone, by all means let him snuggle up to you on the front seat, pet him and talk to him. Let him sit with you in the car for a few minutes before you start up. Start off slowly, reassuring him all the while. Drive only around the block the first time so you can get him out before he has a chance to get sick. Then increase the length of the rides until he becomes used to it.

During the introductory rides, keep as close an eye on him as you can and still drive. If he shows any signs of throwing up (usually a sort of slight hiccupping), stop as quickly as you can and get him out of the car. Whatever you do, when he is sick, don't chastise him in the slightest. He simply cannot help it, and any attempt at correction or any disapproval will only confuse him and may make him worse.

Once he has gotten over car - sickness, or if he started out cured, you can direct your attention to persuading him to ride wherever you want him. Wherever you want him, put him there and make him stay. If he moves, correct him with a firm "No!" and put him back. For car riding, it is essential to make very strict rules and never let him stray from them. Windows are boundaries and he should not stick his head out, he cannot leave the car until you give him permission, these are the two most important rules he needs to learn to stay safe.