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Eyesight Problem: Preventing Cavalier King Charles Spaniels From Getting One

27 13:32:49
Although Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are fairly healthy breed of dogs, it is a fact that this breed's eyesight dims when he gets older just like any other dog. During the last fifteen years, some Spaniels are more susceptible to eye disease which causes more serious health problems.

During a survey in 1989, it was estimated that forty percent of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels suffer from hereditary eyesight problems especially retinal dysplasia - the most serious eye disease that can affect the breed. This problem forms in the retina, sometimes appears as retinal folds that go unnoticeable except for the occasional blind spots.

Some Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, however, can become completely blind if not treated early on. In order to avoid such problem, a would-be-owner should get a new dog from a reputable breeder, for a good breeder will be able to tell you if your dog will be inclined to eyesight problems. In Britain, breeders have their dogs checked by a veterinary ophthalmologist who would recommend that any dog with this particular problem should not be bred.

Another thing to be done in order to prevent your pet from getting eyesight problems is by checking out your soon-to-be pet's parentage. This is why getting your dog from a reputable and well-known breeding kennels is very necessary for they adhere to these rules.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are one of the most beautiful dogs people want to pet. Just like most other dogs, they need looking after in ways that are particular to their breed. Hopefully your dog will not have troubles with the retina and should not suffer significantly from eyesight problems until he or she is much older.

However, most dogs will at sometime in their lives suffer from conjunctivitis. When this happens, wash your dog's eyes regularly to keep them clean and to clear away the mucus. But if the problem gets worse, it is high time to take your dog to the vet.

Most vets prescribe the golden eye ointment that is also used on a child with conjunctivitis. Apply it regularly, and keep the eye clean in order to improve the dog's eyesight. Conjunctivitis left untreated can cause permanent eye problems.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can be the best pet for the whole family if treated properly. By being a responsible and sensitive Spaniel owner, you can enjoy your pet for a long period of time happy and healthy by preventing him from getting eyesight problems.