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Tips For Successful Holiday Entertaining For Dog Owners - How To Be A Stress-free Host And Keep Your Pet Relaxed And Happy?

27 13:32:40
The Problem

Scenario: Annual Family Holiday Get-Together, Your Year to Host
Great-Aunt Mildred arrives at your door with a bundle of gifts in her arms. When the door opens, she is not only greeted by you, but greeted by Piper, your dog, who jumps up for an enthusiastic hello. At that moment, you remember that Mildred is uncomfortable with dogs, and you also notice just how frail she looks, which makes Piper's friendly greeting very un-welcomed by your guest.

Entertaining during the holidays can be a challenging time. Not only must Piper be on her best behavior, but she is tempted to act overly excited when there are so many fun people to see and all the great smells and tastes around (like turkey, ham, and gingerbread cookies!).

The holidays are an important time for families, and we want to include our furry family members in holiday activities too, since they are so much a part of the family. It makes sense that we want to share the warmth of the season with pets, but not everyone shares the same love we have for our dogs. There are the children who are frightened of dogs, the grandmother who will be knocked over by your overzealous friend or the turkey that calls to your dog from across the kitchen. So many distractions for Piper!

The Answer

These tips will help you keep Piper with the family during the holidays, keep your guests impressed, relaxed and your home happy. Get started today so you can have a less stressful holiday season!

- Think about your pet as you prepare for holiday parties. Find out which guests dislike dogs ahead of time, so you can be ready to help with the introduction when those guests arrive. Thinking ahead of how to handle Piper and all her toys before the big day arrives will help you to make the day go smoothly.

- Invest in your home preparations. Give Piper her own space, with her toys and food nearby. Purchasing a den for Piper is a great way to accomplish this. Dens are an emerging trend in pet care. A den provides Piper with her own "room" in the house where she feels comfortable to sleep, chew away on her toys and calm down. It also functions as place to secure Piper when necessary. Piper's parents also benefit since the den serves as a well-designed piece of furniture.

- Even while decorating your home for the holidays, be sure to keep an eye on Piper - or even better, keep her happily entertained in her den. Tinsel and ornaments can look tempting for play, but if ingested, can cause intestinal problems.

- Keep Piper well fed so that she doesn't beg for snacks. You can always help her run off the extra pounds you both have gained after the holidays.

- Make sure guests eat at tables so that they are not sitting on couches that are the same height as Piper's head. This will keep Piper safer too, since human food can really upset her stomach.

- Put Piper in a back bedroom when the food is served or purchase a den to keep her nearby, but secured. The more familiar she is with the den before the party, the more it will feel like her home.

- Treat Christmas lights with Bitter Apple spray so that Piper isn't tempted to bite the bulbs. Keep the scents to a minimum by choosing to not use holiday potpourri and spice sachets. They can be overwhelming for Piper and actually stress her out.