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Find Out About Dog Skin Allergies

26 13:40:29

Find Out About Dog Skin Allergies


Dog skin allergies occur when substances known as allergens manage to infiltrate the body of your pet. What follows after is an allergic reaction. These dogs can be born with the allergies and for some they just develop them at any stage just like people.

As humans we usually react to these substances by experiencing nasal discomfort. Dogs on the other hand react to the allergens by having skin problems. The most common indication of an allergic reaction in dogs is itchy skin. That is why you need to make sure that you know the difference between the normal and unusual scratching of your pet.

An indication that you pet has itchy skin is biting or chewing on its tail or paws. There is also the constant scratching or licking. There are various types of allergies that your pet could suffer from. They can have an allergic reaction to parasites for example fleas or even chiggers. What they will be reacting to is the flea saliva and they begin to chew or scratch themselves.

Chewing the tail and inner legs are other symptoms that can be linked to this allergy. The dog could even suffer from inflamed skin or could lose its hair. Food allergy is another type. With this one the animal will be allergic to certain foods such that if it consumes them it will have an allergic reaction. Symptoms consist of hot spots and hair loss.

An atopic allergy is also common among dogs. Your pet will get an allergic reaction due to allergy causing matter such as dust and pollen. Warning signs include the continuous licking of its paws and scratching parts like the eyelids and ears. That is why it is always important to be aware of the actions of your pets.

Allergens like pollen or dust mites can cause inhalant allergies. The warning sign that your pet could have this kind of allergy is continual chewing and scratching of the paws. As for neurogenic allergies, they are termed so because it is difficult to say what caused the skin irritation even after the doctor has run some tests to try and figure it out

Because it is difficult to say what the allergens are it is just concluded that your pet is reacting the way it is for the simple reason that it wants to. The main indicator of this allergy is the continual licking or chewing of a particular part on its body. The general targets being the ankles and the forelegs

Your dog could also have a contact allergy. Here the pet will have a reaction when it comes in contact with things such as plants and chemicals. Some of the indications are rashes, hives and blisters.

Therefore dog skin allergies come in different types and have various symptoms, however there are treatments available. These ailments can be treated by allergy medicines prescribed by the expert doctor. You can even go for natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar and olive oil which have proven to be effective.