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Dog Proofing – Preparing Your Home

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Dog Proofing – Preparing Your Home


Adding a new dog to your house is much like adding a new child. There are certain changes that must be made to your home and adjusting your house may be necessary. Preparing your home for a pup is a good way to prevent both potty and mischievous accidents from occurring. Look through your home and decide what may pose a potential threat to your new pup or what things could be damaged as a result of their curious mind.

Look from a dog's point of view

If space allows, you may consider a crate for basic training and to provide a safety zone for your pup. This device is designed to be a sanctuary for your pup – not punishment. Use of a crate will help your dog learn not to potty in the house. Another preventative maintenance is guarding off areas that are rarely used. Isolate places such as dining rooms and guest rooms that do not see much interaction, and are an attractive spot for potty time. Consider gating these areas off or keeping the door closed so that they will not be inclined to do their business there.

Because we don't always know what a pup is thinking, you may want to try seeing the world like they do. Seeing the floor from the waist up will give you a good spectrum of what a dog sees day-to-day. All the things they can get into while curiosity gets the better of them. Seeing your home from the floor up will help you spot things that you would not normally see. Sets of fragile dishes that could get knocked over when your pup tugs on a hanging cloth or towel. Consider also that your pup will probably like to chew. Power cords for lamps and other devices will need to be covered or hidden out of reach. Plastic bags also present a danger to a pup because they can get it wrapped around their head and suffocate. Trash cans can be notorious for this problem. Not just for the mess as your pup digs through them, but if you have a plastic bag liner for the trash can, it could possibly get stuck on your pups head. Try keeping trash cans like this in a sticky door cabinet to dissuade your pup from playing with them.

Consider plants and chemicals

Aside from physical preparations, consider also that there are toxic chemicals and possibly plants in the house that your pup could consume. Household cleaning products should be kept in high cabinets or sticky-door cabinets to keep them out of your pups reach. If you have any plants in the house, you will want to set them up high or you will need to check with your vet for possible dangers to your pup.

Protecting your house from your pup is important, but remember that your main concern should be protecting your pup from the dangers of a house. Putting yourself in their mischievous paws for a few minutes will help you decide what adaptions you will need to make when your four-legged-friend joins your household.