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7 Myths And Facts About Dogs That You Should Know About

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We all love our cuddly and furry pet. But there are a few things that we do that actually annoy or be bad for them. Here are a few myths about dogs.

They like being hugged

You do see dogs, and sometimes even cats, hug during fighting or mating, but do they really enjoy it? Although pets love to get affection from their owners and enjoy nuzzling with them, wrapping your arms around a dog can make it think that you're going to hurt him or would take it as a sign of aggression. Be careful and approach them slowly especially if the dog is not yet familiar with you.

Aggressive dogs are dominant dogs

The truth is, dogs that are more aggressive are actual the more fearful ones. They tend to act big to scare the situation away and alpha dogs usually never show aggression since they are already aware that their boss.

Dogs hate phones

We've all heard the story of dogs chewing their owner's phones and barking loudly when it rings or if someone is talking over it. Dogs don't really understand how phones work and see people taking to the receiver. They simply think that you're talking to them and you're giving them attention.


Human illnesses don't affect dogs

No true, you dog can also catch a cold. Some dogs even develop arthritis when they grow old, but this should not be mistaken with degenerative myelopathy which has more or less the same symptoms.

When their tails are wagging, their happy

This is not always the case. They can be ether happy, excited, it could even be a warning sign for an attack. A loose, slow wag is a sure sign that they want to make friends.

Reward and punishment are the only way to train them

Punishing your dog could actually interfere with their learning. It can also make the behavior worse and cause aggression and fear. As much as possible, never hit your dog as punishment. Instead, teach them to stop doing the behavior and do something else.

They shake when their excited

Dogs do a lot of strange things when they're excited. They shake, accidentally urinate, jump, even run around. But too much shaking can be a cause of concern. Shakiness is a sign of degenerative myelopathy, and this needs medical attention as soon as possible.