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Dogs And The Beach

25 16:13:49

The appeal of a beach holds an incredibly diverse nature of things to do with your dog. Finding the beaches around you where you can take your pet and both enjoy the outing makes it all the more worthwhile to do some prior planning. Some dog-friendly beaches provide perfect off-lead areas for dogs with bushes to explore, sand to run on, water to swim in and many friends to be made. It is incredibly important that dogs have an opportunity to socialize. Dog-friendly beaches provide that opportunity.

Take the time before you drive an hour or so to the beach, to find out if the beach allows dogs or not. Some beaches will have restrictions. There are beaches were no dogs are allowed, or where there are set times in which dogs are allowed to be on the beach. You can either call the local government directly or check online before going.

Some beaches will allow dogs at any time. Others will only allow them at specific times of the year. You should also check if your dog can use the beach while off its lead. It does not hurt to take a few minutes to check out these simple facts before you head off and be disappointed when you reach your journey's end.

Do not rely on pubic taps for accessing water. Bring a few large bottles of drinkable water with you in your car. Having water available for your dog is extremely important and do not forget to have a dish that your he or she can drink from as well.


Watch for the signs of overheating and dehydration while you are enjoying your time at the beach. An easy way to check for dehydration is to pinch the skin at the back of your dog's neck and watch if it returns to its normal color. If it does not change back quickly, your dog may be seriously dehydrated. Dry gums are another sign that a dog needs a drink.

Going to the beach is exciting and it can be very overstimulating for a dog, especially if your dog has not been to the beach many times before. There are so many things for a dog to get its snout into at the beach. The sea is exciting to splash in and there is always a good roll and rub in the sand, both wet and dry. People will fascinate your dog and your dog will fascinate people who will want to stop by for a pet, especially young children. There may be flying objects like balls and Frisbees, wildlife such as birds and crabs and passing shadows of clouds that drift across the sand for your dog to chase.

Do not make any of this excitement harder on your dog than it already is. If your dog is new to the beach, choose times of the day when the beach is less busy such as early morning or late afternoon. These times will also benefit your dog's health and help with hydration.

Not everyone at the beach likes dogs. If the beach requires your dog to be on a leash, make sure you take one with you and you keep them on it and out of trouble. Bring bags to clean up after your dog has seen to its business on the beach. Some people will not care how friendly your puppy is if they stand in its business.

If you are going to a doggy friendly beach with an off leash area, you should also pack your dogs favorite ball! Beaches are a great place for dogs to practice basic manners, such as lying down when children come up to pat it or not pulling on the leash when a ball goes flying past. When you dog shows exceptional behavior, reward it with special treats that you planned and packed away in your own beach hamper.