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Choosing a Good Name for a Male Dog

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How to choose a male dog's name

If you are soon to welcome a new male dog or puppy into your home, you might want some help on choosing a name. Selecting something suitable can take up a lot of time because you don't just want any name for your new pal, you want the perfect one.

It takes time to find something that really suits your new little friend. He will love to listen to you calling him as you bond. One of the most important factors is that you select a name that you enjoy the sound of and something that you can call out clearly and easily so your new buddy will quickly respond to it.

To help you choose, I picked out some popular ideas and suggestions for what to call your new boy dog along with their meanings. I’ve narrowed it down and picked out my favorite 25 for you to pick from. Once your new little friend comes to stay in his forever home with you, it is only right that you choose a title for him that really suits. 

25 of My Favorite Male Dog Names and Meanings

Here’s my own favorite selection of cute dog names along with their meanings too. There are really plenty of great suggestions here to choose from. I enjoy looking at the meanings associated with names because it is fun to pick something based on a pet's personality.

1: Bandit. This means outlaw. It could be very suitable if your dog seems to have a bit of a wild character and rebellious streak. Perhaps he is a bit naughty or sneaky even. This fun expression meaning outlaw could be the one to give a shot. And it’s an especially great choice if you’re a fan of the wild, wild west.

2: Baxter. This rather unusual name means baker and I like how it sounds when you speak it out loud. If your new furry friend gazes enviously at your food while ignoring his own or if he loves cakes and bread, perhaps he’s even had a cheeky taste already, then this could be a fun and unique name option.

3: Bear. For a dog that seems to have a rather courageous manner or has the look of a bear in appearance, then bear which means strong and brave is definitely a great new name. Pick this moniker as a joke to use with a dog that is small or for a big dog who is a bit of a coward.

4: Bo. Most of us think our own pets look gorgeous even when other people might not think the same. Bo means handsome so for a little guy who is exceptionally good-looking then this one is the perfect choice. I have a favorite movie called Country Strong and the character in that called Beau who is most definitely handsome. So I love this choice.

5: Buddy. For a pup that you really strongly feel has fast become a member of the family, this is a choice full of love and sentimentality because it means brother. It is a sweet and lovely term of endearment and a truly gorgeous name for a pet that you will be very close to.

6: Buster. It doesn’t seem like it but this rather butch sounding word actually means joy. It is one expression that is often applied mainly for small and teeny tiny dogs such as toy and miniature pups. For a furry companion who is going to gift you with plenty of joy and happiness, it’s a lovely idea.

7: Charlie. I’ve always wanted a King Charles Spaniel and Charlie is just the right choice for this cheeky, fun and loving breed of dog. The name means man. This makes it really appropriate for a male name.

White dog

Image is in the Public Domain from Pixabay

8: Cody. Do you think that he lives up to this particular meaning of helper. Perhaps you have a very helpful wee pup who wants to get your paper or your slippers for you in the morning. A Cody is a breed who really wants to help his owners out and be a good and useful pet.

9: Dexter. It could be that you have a rescue dog or a pet that is really very lucky and Dexter which means fortunate would be appropriate. Or choose this name to wish good fortune and luck on him with this happy and positive meaning.

10: Duke. A strong, bold alpha male will be the leader of any pack and that's what Duke stands for, leader. Perhaps his character comes across as being confident and strong. Duke also has rather Royal and regal connotations for the fine lad you hope he will be.

11: Harley. This has a unique meaning which translates to the following: hare meadow, long field, heap of rocks. If he loves to go for long walks and runs and is rather adventurous that would tie in. If he likes to chase small mammals across fields, I can see his name being a Harley.

12: Jack. God has been gracious is the religious meaning associated with Jack. It is the name for a pal that you feel so particularly lucky and grateful to have, one who is your best friend and who thinks the world of you. A mild-mannered and angelic character.

13: Koda. Let’s face it, these animals are our best friends forever and Koda means friend. This would really suit a pup who shadows you by constantly being at your side.

14: Leo. Is he a born leader or lion of the litter. Perhaps his character displays a strong background and he can hold his own with a great bark. A sandy colored fur coat would make an appropriate Leo which means lion or one who demonstrates really great leadership qualities.

15: Max. Max is a no brainer because we all think these creatures are simply the greatest. But now you can show off and say that he really is the best because that’s exactly what his name means!

16: Milo. For a rather chilled out and laid back personality, Milo is the right expression since it means mild, calm and peaceful. Perhaps he’s not an overly active dog or he is merely relaxed. This one is ideal for a character that takes everything in his stride.

17: Oscar. I’m not sure you can come up with a title that could ever have a more important meaning than this one which equates to divine spear of the gods. Oscar is something truly special and unique.

18: Oliver. You’d better ensure that he behaves impeccably well as well as having charming good looks otherwise Oliver which means beauty and dignity could end up being a bit of a joke.

19: Rocco. He will suit Rocco if he prefers to lay or sit down all the time instead of doing any exercise or walking. This name means rest. Perhaps he has a very calm and restful nature which works with this moniker or maybe he’s just plain lazy.

Sandy colored fur dog

Image is in the Public Domain from Pixabay

20: Rocky. Rocky which means rock could have real spirit and attitude. Perhaps he is stubborn but he’d be a born fighter for sure. Strong as a rock and unmovable like one in my opinion.

21: Romeo. Shakespeare made Romeo famous and when we use this term now it is often given to someone who is a bit of a charmer, attractive looking and seeks loving attention. A suitable character to match up with a canine that is always wanting hugs and a cuddle. The name actually means pilgrim to Rome.

22: Shadow. This term is highly popular for pets with dark shades of fur like black, dark gray and brown. It would also be right for a pup that likes to shadow you and follow you around.

23: Spike. Simple and to the point, this name means long and heavy. Spike is easy to say since it rolls off the tongue rather neatly.

24: Toby. My parents have a dog called Toby and it is a great choice especially for religious owners because it means God is good.

25: Tucker. I think this one which means clothes maker would be a rather funny choice to use if your new puppy really loves to chew on fabrics. He would then be more of a clothes destroyer and I find that rather amusing.

Puppy dogCredit: Image is in the Public Domain from Pixabay

My Best Pal was an Airedale

His Name was Basil: Meaning Brave and Royal

As I was growing up, my very best pal was an Airedale. He was the best breed you could ever wish for: extremely intelligent, mild-mannered with people, a bit naughty (which was fun) but utterly loyal. We called him Basil. It wasn’t a name that I chose, my parents did, but it really suited him nonetheless.

Basil used to love racing up the stairs and leaping straight on my bed which, in those days, was full of lots of cuddly toys. He would leap right into the middle and then had fun playing with the toys and knocking them off the bed. I always found this funny since he wasn’t actually allowed upstairs but because he knew how to open our door handles (we had some of the type that just pushed down) he just did as he wanted.

Dogs are not actually supposed to eat chocolate unless it is a special chocolate made for them. One year, however, Basil sneaked into the family room and he managed to eat all the chocolates he could reach off the Christmas tree. The amazing thing was that he was able to get all the wrappers off and those wrappers were left lying there on the floor as proof of what had happened. Luckily he wasn’t ill after that episode. He was a gorgeous friend and I still miss him though he’s been gone for well over 10 years now. 

Airedale dog black and white

Image is in the Public Domain from Pixabay

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Name for a New Buddy

Naming a new member of the family seems like it will be a really simple task. Sometimes it is just really hard to find a suitable choice that fits the look and character of your dog perfectly. With females, there are just so many cute and sweet names that tend to pop in to your mind right away. But when you attempt to think of suggestions for a boy, it is slightly more difficult.

To come up with a good fit, you can think of some surnames or titles that you’ve already heard of and consider if any of those would make a great moniker for your new pup. If that doesn’t work, you can do a search online. You can select a word that actually suits their unique personality or character, a word based on the color of their fur or maybe just something that you like the sound of. In either case, make sure it’s a word that you can say and pronounce easily and ensure that it doesn’t sound silly or ridiculous when you take your new pet out for their daily walk.

It doesn’t take puppies and even older dogs long to recognize and respond to their new name if you repeat it to them and call them with it in an encouraging and friendly manner. Before you know it, they will come every time you call. No matter what you choose, your new friend is sure to love it.

Image Credit: all images on this page  are in the Public Domain and come from Pixabay.