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Can Dogs Drink Coffee?

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Coffee has caffeine that is found to be toxic to dogs especially when ingested in large amounts. If your dog gets a quick taste of your cup of coffee, don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to your dog. However, if your dog drinks it regularly in large amounts, you should be worried as your dog can become ill. Aside from being potentially toxic to dogs, hot coffee might also burn his mouth.

An average cup of coffee has around 100mg of caffeine, a type of methylxanthine alkaloid substance which comes from the seeds of plants used in making coffee called coffee beans. This substance is toxic to dogs most especially when taken in large amounts. You might ask what the lethal dog of caffeine to dogs is. According to experts, it is between 110 and 200mg of caffeine per 2.2lbs of weight.

While it isn't likely that your dog would want to drink several cups of it, if your canine friend takes a lap of the liquid, he could burn his mouth or tough on the hot drink. If it is not too hot, he could potentially suffer the effects that come with caffeine ingestion which include diarrhea, vomiting, panting and hyperactivity. In addition, a small amount of it, your pup lapped may also increase his blood pressure, heart rate and thirst level. Moreover, it will cause your dog to urinate more frequently that the usual. Usually, the signs of caffeine poisoning manifests an hour or two after your dog has ingested the coffee.


Although a sip of it won't give you a reason to worry, if your canine friend has drunk a significant amount of it, that is a cup of coffee, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for assistance. Depending on the symptoms showed by your dog and how much coffee you suspected your dog lapped up, your vet will tell you whether it is necessary for you to come into the office or not. Vets usually induce vomiting and give IV fluids in order to clear the caffeine from your cat's system. They may also give your dog some medicines to calm down his upset tummy or use some activated charcoal as a way of decontaminating your dog's system with caffeine. During the treatment, your vet can check the mouth of your dog for minor burns.

Dogs that have ingested only a small amount of coffee tend to recover more quickly without the lasting effects. To ensure the safety of your dog, never ever allow him to go near your cup of coffee or any other product that contains coffee. That is true especially if your dog has been showing curiosity and interest about the beverage.

Additives such as cream, milk and sugar make coffee even more palatable to dogs. Always use a covered up to contain your coffee and do not place them within your pooch's reach. Coffee grounds from which coffee is made have higher contents of caffeine than coffee so you should always keep grounds away from your dog if you do not want to risk their safety and health.