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Do You Need To Buy A Dog Bed?

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Starting out with the correct behavior can help keep your dog fit and healthy. By observing your dog, you will have a better idea of what product to look for as his daily comfortable resting place. The bed will give your pet somewhere to feel secure and safe.

So How do I choose a Dog Bed?

First ask yourself these questions; Does he avoid the bed because he needs to cool off? Does he like to be able to rest his head with a view of the entire room? Does your pooch shed or have any other disorder that will cause the bed to need constant cleaning? Focusing on your dog's daily behavior will help you select the perfect dog bed for your pet.

Measure your dog when his is comfortably sleeping. The most efficient way to make sure you are ordering the correct size bed is by measuring your hound in his favorite laying position and adding five inches. If you cannot measure your dog when he is laying down, you can also measure from the base of the neck to the base of the tail and then add five inches.

Spend some time determining which bed is best suited for your dog, keeping in mind that this will become a favorite resting place for your pooch! Beware, low quality beds are easily torn and fall apart. They never really offer your canine the benefits of a higher quality bed.

Benefits of Using a Dog Bed

Sleeping on a cold hard floor can cause chronic pain and additional discomfort, so look for a dog bed with good foam. Be aware that Orthopedic foam tends to provide additional warmth so if you live in a warmer climate, your dog may prefer a cooling bed like the Canine Cooler to the traditional orthopedic bed. A raised bed keeps your pet cooler in summer and off the drafty floor in winter.

If your canine spends a lot of time outdoors, or even in kennels then a cot style bed may be the best. It can keep your pet off of the cold floor in winter and keep them cool in summer as mentioned above.

Dogs don't like to feel exposed especially when they're trying to sleep. A good choice is a bolster bed with its high back. This gives your pet a safe, cozy haven as well as a place for a nice pillow to rest their heads. It also prevents drafts and can protect your walls from damage while your pet sleeps.

Picking the right dog bed will help with any allergies you may have and also help clean-up. It provides you with a single area where the majority of the shedding and/or dander is contained. Choose a style with a machine washable cover that can easily be thrown in the washing machine when dirty or soiled.

Beds with sides are great for dogs that like to hang their head over the edge.

Cushions and support should be considered for older dogs, as well as pooches with other joint or bone problems.

Similar to humans, dogs also experience changes as they age. Their joints can stiffen, or their bones become thinner. When this occurs you should start to look at the dog beds that use Orthopedic foam to help support your dog and keep him warm.

When a dog owner thinks about what products will be needed for their new pet, a high quality dog bed should be well up on the list. Even if it's a perfect fit for your house it's really important that your dog can lay down in the bed. If the bed doesn't fit, your dog won't use it no matter how good it looks.