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Choosing Dog Food:look At The Back Of The Box, Not Just The Front

27 15:43:12
Sometimes I envy my dog. While I'm busy juggling the day's unending problems, he's enjoying a good nap or exploring this, that, or the other thing. What he isn't telling me is that I might spend a little more time taking his needs into account, including making sure he's getting proper nutrition.

The bottom line is we want our pets to be around, and more so healthy and happy. Their health and well-being will leave as much time for fetch and tail chasing as possible. So It really suites us all to do all we can. That being the case we need to occasionally ask, \"How does your dog food brand compare?\" in addition to \"why do you like chewing my socks so much?\"

Maybe you're one of those folks who enjoy researching the nutritional comparisons between brands of food. Most of us aren't and it takes a kick start to get us into doing what really is a very important task. Determining as best we can which brand is better for you pet as compared to other brands. The pet food manufacturers will certainly put their best face forward, actually a happy pet's face, on their labels to entice you to buy their brand. Best you look at the back of the box though and see what's actually inside.

In truth, there is a wealth of information in the labels but we have to make a bit of an effort to figure out just what the ingredients mean for the dog, You have to start with the dog and figure out what it's needs are first. Breed sometimes plays a significant role but most often it is the size of the dog and its age that is of real importance. Dog food brands often specifically target puppies, mature dogs and \"seniors\" as well as targeting dogs from petite to very large.

Your dog may love you, as our beagle did, for table scraps, but that isn't usually the best idea for keeping your pet healthy. Besides proper nutrition it's very important for your pet that you pay attention to it and spend some time with it every day. You'll probably find that if you take your dog for a walk at a certain time of the day it isn't look before your pet becomes quite insistent on going out when its walk time. At times you'd likely rather do something else but a walk is good for both of you. Toss a ball or play with your dog with its chew rag for a few minutes a day. This combination of nutrition, attention, and exercise is usually the key to a happy and healthy pet.

If your feeling at this point the burden of pet dietary needs, just remember a dogs life is pretty hard too. While playing around all day and being able to lick your nether's may seem great, the challenge of scratching behind your ears seems to be a constant problem, and of course they have all the work to do entertaining us..

So by now you have probably figured out some of the criteria for what your little fiend needs. So, How does your dog food compare? Where was it made and what does it have in it? Is it best suited for your pets weight and age? Are there any symptoms of dog food allergies that you're aware of?

Now you can look at all the bags and packages showing healthy, happy dogs, but you now know which package contains the product that suits your dog well. Don't overdo it but a little bag of treats or a nice bone on occasion is a welcome change for your best friend. Don't forget the daily walk!