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Dog Vomiting: How Serious is it?

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What to do if Your Dog Frequently Vomits

Dogs sometimes vomit because they eat too quickly or too much food or simply because they’ve eaten something disagreeable. But vomiting also could be a signal of a more serious problem.

If your dog vomits on rare occasions, it’s probably no cause for concern.

If vomiting happens frequently, consult your veterinarian. Several health problems can trigger frequent vomiting episodes, including cancer, liver disease, kidney dysfunction and intestinal infection.

Frequent vomiting also could be a sign of such conditions as parvovirus, an intestinal obstruction or colitis.

For the rare cases of vomiting, you can feed you dog foods to settle his stomach, such as boiled potatoes, rice and cooked, skinless chicken. You also should ensure that your dog has access to fresh water to prevent dehydration.


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