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Most Common Health Issues With Dogs

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There are many health issues that can affect dogs. Some are more particular to a certain breed.

For instance, hip dysplasia is more often seen in the Akita or the Bullmastiff. While a health issue such as fleas is likely to show up in any type of dog. It is hard for an animal to tell you there's something wrong. They rely on their behavior to indicate to you something is not up to snuff. By observing your dog, you will know when a health issue pops up.

Fleas can be one of the most bothersome health issues for any dog. This small wingless insect jumps from destination to destination and wrecks havoc on families. They are very difficult to get rid of since they reproduce very quickly and can become immune to pesticides. The best sign of a flea's presence is your dog's constant scratching. If you notice this, check the dog's skin and look for flea excrements. It is a good idea to check with your veterinarian before you try tackling this problem. Drops or pills work well to eradicate them, a flea collar will provide moderate success and if fleas have infested your house, you may need to do some decontamination.

Another troublesome health issue for dogs is worms. They can be seen in the dog's stool or around it's anus and under it's tail. If you suspect worms, a veterinarian should be sought to diagnose and treat this affliction.

Allergies affect dogs just as they do humans. The causes are many, such as, pollen, dander, spores, mites or food, to name some. Although allergies cannot be prevented, eliminating the allergen can control them. Food allergies can be one of the hardest to determine. Together with your veterinarian, you can determine the best treatment for the allergy. Testing can be done to determine the pet's allergy and steroids will relieve some of the symptoms. Immunotherapy, antihistamines and symptomatic treatment are also available. This health problem will take endurance and fortitude.

Some dogs are plagued by ear infections. Their ears are deep and long and have little airflow. If moisture gets in them, it can be difficult to dry out. They should be inspected as part of a normal grooming process. If you notice red inflamed skin in them, a build up of wax, foul smell, or observe the dog pawing them, it is likely an infection is present. Treatment would consist of medication administered to the ears and also cleaning the ears on a daily basis for one to two weeks.

One of the most common eye problems in dogs is conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the eye's mucous membranes. The eye will redden, swell and possibly produce a discharge. It will also be itchy. It is important to keep the eye clean and get appropriate medicine from your vet that will usually be an antibiotic eye drop or a steroid component to eliminate symptoms.

As in humans, dogs are more prone to certain health problems. By paying attention to your dog's behavior, you will notice when a problem does arise. Catching the problem early will help put your dog back on the healthy road again and prevent serious complications.