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Dog Health Problems Related Symptons

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Dogs too can be 'dogged' by health problems just like human beings and cancer, obesity, arthritis, anxiety- all the common ailments which can affect human beings also affects dogs. Knowing when to take the dog to the veterinarian or when to let him work his way out through an illness is possible only when you learn to recognize dog health problems.

Obesity is a serious issue and as in human beings, it can lead to many dog health problems like diabetes, heart disease and joint troubles. It is necessary for dog owners to provide adequate exercise to their dogs so that they do not become over weight and are also able to strengthen their stamina.

Read the labels of the dog food packets carefully as many inexpensive commercial dog food brands contain fillers and sugar. Young dogs are more active than their older counterparts and are able to work off their calories much faster. Older dogs tend to be less active and need more attention and should be given daily exercise to control their weight. The vet will be the right person to advise the correct exercises for different breeds of dogs.

One of the signs to look for in dog health problems is any change in behavior. If the dog seems slightly off-balance or is disoriented, it may be suffering from an ear infection. Keeping the dog's ears clean and checking the ears for any possible sign of infection on a regular basis can help prevent infection in the ears.

Dog health problems include allergies which manifests themselves in the form of sneezing, runny noses or watery eyes. Household cleaners are very often the culprits and you have to check whether they are pet friendly. If they are not, you must keep an eye on the dogs to ensure that they do not come in contact with the cleaners and try and change the cleaners as soon as possible.

Open sores, flakes, scabs, inflammation, redness, lumps on the skin can be signs of dog health problems. If the dog is biting itself or itching a lot, it may be having skin parasites like fleas, ticks or mange mites which should be rid of immediately. Eyes should be bright and shining and with no abnormal discharge. Pale eyes mean that there is some health issue.

Dog health problems often show up in urine and defecation. A bad odor from the urine as well as an elevated pose to relieve itself indicates that the dog may be having health issues. If the color and viscosity of defecation has changed from normal it could indicate poor digestion which can be corrected by changing the dog's diet.

Senior dogs (10-12 years) may start suffering from cataracts, cancer, hearing loss and joint pains. Licking of the joints, not responding when you call, bumping into furniture, walking slowly are all indications of the health problems of an aging dog.

Regular vaccinations and veterinary check ups are necessary to keep the dog in good health and keen observation at home can also help prevent many dog health problems.