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Kidney Failure in Dogs Diet

2016/5/3 11:33:25

Kidney Failure in Dogs DietIdentifying The Disease

Canine kidney disease comes on either gradually or suddenly, depending on the cause. Sudden kidney failure is commonly caused by poisoning, shock, dehydration, infection, and other traumatic causes. These causes tend to come with their own complications, and typically lead to a visit to the vet where kidney failure is detected. Chronic renal failure in dogs, or gradual failure, is commonly caused by inborn defects, parasites, kidney stones, or non-genetic kidney defects. Kidney failure in dogs symptoms tend be similar no matter the cause. Lethargy and high blood toxins are the biggest flags. Either way, once identified, kidney disease is difficult to treat or manage. A controlled kidney failure in dogs diet tends to be the first line of treatment tasked to owners.

Diet Plan

Kidney failure in dogs diet begins with proper education at the vet. They will tell you that you first need to limit phosphorus and proteins. Elevating fatty acids is a common next step, along with calcitriol supplements. These help your dog better absorb calcium, which is a problem in dogs with renal issues. Many commercial dog foods are available by prescription from your vet to ease problems creating a kidney disease in dogs diet. These commercial foods often focus on different aspects of renal failure treatment, but they will include, to some extent, all treatments known to help renal failure.

Getting your dog to drink lots of water is also important. This helps flush the urinary system (including the kidneys), aiding in toxin removal. Lots of water is also important for dogs with kidney stones, it will help dissolve existing stones and help prevent new ones. Another useful tip for a kidney failure in dogs diet geared toward kidney stone prevention/removal is salt. Salt will cause your dog to drink more water, it does nothing else, but water intake is very important. Basically, your need to lower intake of the three major stone ingredients, and raise intake of things that flush them out. Phosphate, ammonia, and magnesium are the principal ingredients in struvite, the material stones are made of. These should be avoided even in dogs who do not yet have stone problems but are experiencing other kidney issues.