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What Is The Proper Time To Brush Your Dogs Teeth?

27 9:05:56
Many pet owners do not understand the importance for maintaining proper dental health in their canine pets. If plaque and tartar are allowed to build up on the teeth of your dog it can lead to gum disease which can then lead to further problems within the body and sometimes even death of the pet. It's vital for pet owners to undertake a regular maintenance routine for cleaning their dogs teeth.

There are gels and dog toothpaste available on the market today that are highly effective for maintaining the dental health a dog requires for maintaining proper dental hygiene. Basically, the gels are applied to the toothbrush similar to a human brush and the teeth are cleaned in a fashion much the same as with human teeth. Of course there is no rinsing afterword, and this is definitely not suggested. It's best to keep your dog from drinking any water for at least 30 min. after the brushing.

Because of this fact, the best time to brush your dogs teeth is at bedtime when he is no longer able to drink water or eat anymore food. The gel is brushed on their teeth and that allowed to sit there as the dog goes to bed. The gel remains in the dogs mouth for a while and the effects of the gel continue even as the dog sleeps. All in all, these gels are highly effective in preventing the buildup of plaque and tartar on a canines teeth.

If brushing the dog's teeth at bedtime is not possible, it can be done anytime during the day. But pet owners must realize that whenever the brushing is done there should be no access to food or water afterwards for at least 30 min. In fact, it's best to keep the dog from water for up to an hour if at all possible after the brushing with the gel is performed.

Some pet owners wonder if twice a day brushing would be more effective. The answer is that if the tartar is buildup heavily on the teeth twice a day brushing can be beneficial for removing the tartar more quickly. After the tartar is removed from the canines teeth, brushing only two or three times a week is all that is required for learning how to brush dog teeth.

This can be great relief for pet owners who were in the habit of having their veterinarians perform dog teeth scaling on their pets to remove the tartar. Although that process works very well, it can be quite dangerous for older dogs. Older dogs are far more vulnerable to side effects of the anesthesia that is used during the dog teeth scaling. In fact some dogs have even been documented as to die from the process as a result of an adverse reaction to the anesthetic.