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A Dog Lifestyle Are You Benefiting From The Rewards Of Pet Parenting

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Living a dog lifestyle can be a whole different way of leading your life The potential benefits of that lifestyle can be very rewarding and even be lifesaving by improving your overall health. It's true, owning a dog can do everything from helping you lose weight, to assisting with depression. The potential benefits for dog ownership are unlimited.
If you have never had the pleasure of being a dog owner, then I encourage you to make that lifestyle change now. Becoming a pet parent, is a life changing experience. Owning a dog is a big responsibility but it can also mean a lifetime of unconditional love and happiness.

When you are ready to bring a dog home for the first time, there are a few considerations before making that decision. It's important to consider what type of dog would fit your lifestyle. Each dog has a different activity level. Small dogs are generally quite active but don't require a large amount of room to exercise and after an energy surge or running around the house for a while, will often curl up in their owners lap for a long nap. A medium sized dog such as a Border Collie, require a great deal of daily activity and a really big dog can often be rather docile and hang out on the floor in front of the fireplace all day.

So make your choice carefully to ensure that you both will be happy with the new living arrangements. If you are a couch potato, then be sure to choose a dog that has low activity needs and likes to hang out in front of the TV all day. In contrast, if you are highly active and love to go hiking or running everyday, then choose a dog that will love to join you on your adventures. Otherwise, at least one of you will be unhappy with the new relationship.

No matter what type of dog you choose, it's important to know that every dog needs daily activity and play time. This requires daily walks and exercising from you. Just walking them out as far as the curb for a potty break doesn't count either. You need to take your new family member out for a walk at least two to three times a day and you also need to learn to play with your dog.

We have all become a little guilty about sitting around and watching too much TV or spending too much time on the internet. Although these things may be highly entertaining, they are terrible for our health and diets. Unfortunately, many people who have good intentions of getting daily exercise just don't get it done. When you bring a dog into your home, it forces you to get outside everyday for both potty breaks and exercise time for your dog.

When you start making that daily change of going outside and walking your dog and playing with them, without realizing it, you're getting exercise everyday. Yep, without even trying, you are going out and walking at least 10-15 minutes twice a day and when you play with your dog, that's just bonus time. Imagine, no dieting, no hour on the treadmill or going to the gym and still losing weight without trying! The benefits of exercising and losing weight are enormous for your health.

Now a few of you might be thinking “I hate walking.” Don't think of it like that. Instead, think of how each time you take your dog out for a walk, it's going to be an adventure. First of all, teaching a new dog to walk on a leash is an adventure in itself. Second, you won't be walking alone, you will now have a companion that's always excited about leaving the house and walking. Their enthusiasm will help keep you motivated and there's no skipping taking them out or you'll have a mess to clean up.

Now you've gained a new, loving and loyal best friend, started exercising everyday and you're losing weight. Without even trying, you've begun to create you're very own dog lifestyle. With that lifestyle comes additional benefits. Whether you live alone or work an enormous amount of hours, you will always have a companion when you are home. Someone who is always happy to see you, someone to comfort you when you are sad or feeling down and most of all, someone who absolutely loves you unconditionally.

If you have never had the pleasure of having you're very own dog, then you may think that sounds a little corny but I assure you it's all very true. You won't believe how comforting it is to be a pet owner. You'll enjoy you're time together and even find yourself feeling happier than before your pet ownership. Soon you'll even be carrying on whole conversations with your new furry friend.

It's even been shown that dog owners mental health can benefit from being a pet parent. If you are struggling from depression, having a dog can help your daily mood and outlook and it helps you to get exercise everyday too. It also gives you a reason to get up in the morning because you have someone else to care for. All of these are important factors in trying to overcome depression. Petting a dog is also known to help with anxiety and lower your blood pressure. Imagine being able to calm the stress of your day, just by spending some time with your precious pooch.
So for those of you who have yet to make the leap into a dog lifestyle, I can highly recommend it. My life would not be near as interesting or fulfilling without my two dogs, Rodeo and Maddie. I spend every day with them and we enjoy each others company. If I'm having a bad day, they are very aware of my needs and stay right by my side. They are truly a blessing.
When you are ready and have done your homework on what breed of dog is right for you, take the step and join dog lovers everywhere by leading a dog lifestyle. It's truly a gift you should give yourself. Because whether you're an adult or a child, the experience of owning a dog will be a life changing event that stays with you and continues to influence your life.