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Dog Health Problems, 6 Symptoms To Search For

26 18:03:20
When a dog is not feeling well, he can overact. You may see them moping and lying around, looking for your sympathy. But the moment you pick up his favorite toy or grab the leash, he may change his behavior drastically. This makes it uneasy to detect whether he is suffering from an illness or not. Below are listed the different dog health problems and the symptoms you should look out for.

There are certain symptoms that are easy to identify.

1. Whiteness in the eyes:
If you see whiteness in your dogs eyes then your dog may be suffering from an eye disease or he may be anaemic. You will notice that the mucous membrane of the eye is pale.

2. Diarrhea:
It may happen that your dog have a particular reaction to some food or something else they have swallowed. If everything goes back to normal in about a day or 2 then it was probably a temporary condition. In case the diarrhea persist, then it may mean that your dog may have a bowel disorder such as a blockage or internal parasites. To be sure, look out for dog's limping, is he reluctant to walk, is he refusing food?
Those signs can indicated that your dog is suffering from renal disorder, like nephritis. Note that is it always better to feed your dog with natural food instead of canned food.

3. Scratching:
Dogs may scratch themself in case of flea bites or even when their skin is dry. Dog scratching may be an indication of presence of ticks and lice in their skin. In case your dog's skin is dry, that may mean he is suffering from dehydration or even something much more serious. Persistent scratching should be checked by a vet.

4. Vomiting:
Even though dog vomiting may not be a sign of malady, sometimes it is. Some dogs will eat grass to throw up, although they will also eat grass when they do not feel ill. The grass will cause sufficient irritation to allow the dog to get rid of things like fur balls or small foreign objects in their stomachs. If the vomiting continues for a prolonged period, you may consider seeing your vet.

5. Nasal discharge:
If your dog is having some nasal discharge that may mean he is suffering from nasal congestion. In case the discharge is thick then your dog may have pneumonia. Dogs with nasal discharges may have difficulty breathing and may be wheezing. It is better to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

6. Dog biting:
If you notice your dog start frequently biting his chain and having certain behavior changes, he could have rabies. In that case, it will be better to protect yourself and loved ones by isolating the dog and staying out or reach to avoid getting bitten. Rabies is highly contagious to man and requires painful injections. Unfortunately rabid dogs cannot be cured.

These are the symptoms to look out for when your dog may seem to have health problems. Don't forget to seek medical attention when needed.