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The Secrets Of Training A Dog For Agility

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Introduction and History Owning a dog is undeniably a good thing; but sometimes the routine of exercising can seem a bit of a chore. Agility training can provide just the tonic for active dog and owner, as it challenges not just the need for rigorous physical exercise, but also the need for mental stimulation as well. Agility is about a dog completing an obstacle course in the fastest time possible and is more of the more popular events at dog shows, but it can just be done as a fun bonding activity for you and your dog.

Type of suitable dog Any dog can be trained for agility, although competitively, working breeds such as Border Collies tend to excel (to the point where they can have their own separate category when competing). It's possible to start when the pooch is a puppy, but as some of the activities are quite strenuous on the joints, it's recommended that the puppy should be at least 8 months old, and can obey basic commands, such as sit and stay. Both owner and dog also need to be fairly fit.

Equipment Of course the object is to encourage Fido to complete an obstacle course, so to train you need the obstacles, as well as the space to run around in. Requirements are: a tunnel, cones for weaving, jumps, an "A" frame, possibly a see saw and a pause table. It would be best to join a local class or club. However, if money is no object it is possible to buy portable equipment that can be taken to a local park. You might want to have Fido's collar and lead in the initial stages of training.

Procedure As with most things that are worth while, the training is a slow gradual process. It would be asking a lot of poor old Fido to be able to see an unfamiliar set of equipment, and then just go for it. Start slowly, perhaps with one obstacle, and some very low jumps. Allow Fido to walk around it and become familiar with it. This way it might be a little less intimidating. Be prepared to demonstrated the obstacle yourself, just until Fido gets the idea. Of course when Fido does it correctly give him lots of praise and treats to encourage him. Never punish him: this is supposed to a fun thing to do.

If you are interested in training your dog, for whatever reason, then you can find some qualified help here. There are some wonderful articles available specifically written to help you to train your dog to do anything. And this is information is not restricted to agility training. If your dog jumps, bites or just cries in the night, then there is something that you can do about it.