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Dog Training Information You Should Read For A Confident Pet

27 12:08:59
If you have a disobedient dog, you have trouble to be sure. Your pet may become aggressive, may develop bad habits and ruin personal property. You should know that this type of behavior is usually caused by a shy or unconfident dog. Take this dog training information to help you to improve your pet's attitude.

Patience and consistent training is crucial in raising a confident dog. Be patient with your pets, especially when they're puppies. It goes without saying that a puppy will make plenty of mistakes, and yelling doesn't help them overcome this issue. You'll discourage them if you lose your temper and yell. You will also undo any training if you neglect consistency.

In addition to that, you should learn when it's appropriate to praise your dog's behavior, and when not to praise. Believe it or not, when you comfort your dog after he's made a mistake, you're not going to help. This is punishment for their behavior (not praising them). When they get it right, then you should reward them with praise.

One other aspect of dog training information is to properly employ your tone of voice. Don't mis-use your soft, sweet voice - this is only your voice when you praise your dog. On the other side of things, you don't want to yell at them when they have misbehaved, but you do want to use a firm tone of voice when appropriate.

For times when you are attempting to address your dog's fear, you need to consider how you introduce them to new experiences. Just like people, a fearful dog has difficulty when it comes to new places or experiences. You need to know how to gradually introduce new things, and plan for it as you keep your eye on your pet.

If or when you notice that your pet is acting frightened, you don't want to allow it to run off with its tail between its legs. Nor do you want to reassure your dog when it's acting afraid, either in tone of voice or by physical affection. You want to reaffirm their sense of bravery, not affirm their existing problem.

This last dog training information piece can increase your dog's confidence level - use games { to train. For instance, tug-of-war games can build your pet's confidence, since they feel like they're on more equal footing with you. You should use mental games, too, such as making introductions to others in the family (get your pet to know their names). If you use toys and other objects, you can help increase their intelligence as well as build their confidence.