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How To Stop Your Dog From Barking And Train To Bark On Command

27 12:11:47
Training your dog has a lot more to do with training yourself than the animal. Understanding how dog training works will get you much better results than if you try to just wing it. This article will give you the information you need in order to get your dog behaving as you would like him to.

In order to get your dog to obey you, it may be wise to take obedience classes. The instructors in the classes can help you with a wide variety of problems that your dog may have, from not listening to your commands, to stop barking, to sitting when you tell it to.

In order to properly train a well-behaved dog you should avoid having two people give your dog two different orders at the same time. This will only frustrate you and your dog because there is no way a dog can perform different orders made by two different people. People can't even do this. Therefore, you should make sure that only one person is giving one order to your dog at any particular time.

A great tip for training your dog is to never attempt to train it if you are mad at it. If you are mad, there is no way you can give fair orders to your dog because you have let your emotions take over any rational thoughts. Therefore, you should wait until you have calmed down before attempting to train your dog.

In order to be successful at training, you need to understand what motivates your dog. Your dog isn't the only learning, you are, too. You are learning about your dog, what he likes, what works and what does not. No matter why you are training your dog, offer him a variety of training exercises and lots of positive reinforcement. A happy dog will perform better.

In order to properly train your dog you must understand how your actions affect your dog. Self awareness is vital if you want to ensure success with training your dog. If you do not understand how your actions affect others, there is no way you can have success with training your dog.

In order to train your dog to stop barking, it is crucial that you find out what the cause of the barking is. For example, if the reason that your dog is barking is because he is hungry, make sure that you are feeding him often enough. If he is barking because he has to use the bathroom, let him out.

Potty Training

Although many pet owners are against crate training there is quite a bit of merit in doing it. Many dogs like to have a place they can consider their own, and they never will eliminate in that place. This will help them with separation anxiety and surprisingly with potty training.

When potty training a puppy, give him a reward every time he eliminates appropriately. The reward can be a treat, or a simple "good boy". Your dog will learn to associate eliminating in an appropriate place with behavior that you want him to display. He wants to please you and so, will continue to display this behavior.

To help with potty training a new puppy, plan ahead. If you have a brand new puppy, keep him in a towel-lined crate or kennel at night. For the first couple of weeks, bring him out every two hours and let him outside to do his business. Thoroughly praise him and he will begin to make the association between being outside and relieving himself, which will make training much easier as time goes on.

Basic Obedience

Teach your dog the basics before trying to teach them more complicated "fun" tricks. It is important to have the basic obedience skills, such as sit, stay, lie down, and come learned before you try teaching tricks like shake and roll over. Although it is tempting just to jump to the fun stuff, having a firm grasp on the basic commands will make learning tricks much easier.

Any dog you adopt should go through at least a basic obedience class with a professional. The skills you can learn from a professional course will more than outweigh the cost of the course. Also, a course gives you and your dog a chance to socialize with other dogs and their owners.

Your family pet needs you to teach him or her how to behave. Their instincts tell them to behave as animals, and to do otherwise requires proper redirection. This article has given you some ideas on how you can be a better teacher for your dog and have a well behaved pet.