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Obedience Training Tips

27 16:12:42
When it comes to obedience training, I am sure that some of you have given it a miss altogether while others, pamper their pets to the point of �being nuts’. Obedience training is a must and one that you need to train your dog in early on. This training will help your dog to relate better to you, to its immediate environment and understand the difference between right and wrong. It is essential that your dog understands the basic rules and what not to do, for without this, you may well end up with a dog that has something more than a chip on his shoulder. From toilet training to biting others, there are quite a few issues to deal with here. I have taken the liberty of going through Adam G. Katz methods in dog training and have listed out a few obedience training tips here to help you train your dog effectively.

1.Digging all the way to China � I am sure that you must have heard numerous complaints from your immediate neighbors regarding your dog digging in their �azalea bushes’. The only thing that you can do here is to provide your dog with tons of fun exercise to do so that he has little energy to spend digging up your neighbor’s yard. Digging is something that comes natural to a dog, so there is not much you can do to prevent it altogether. But by proving him with lots of walks, runs and more exercises to do, you can limit this particular behavior and in time, with a bit of luck, get rid of it altogether.

2.Barking mad � Dogs bark, there is not much you can do to change that. But some dogs bark a bit excessively, more so than others, even for something as mundane as the door bell. Dogs tend to bark for a lot of reasons, from indicating a stranger’s presence to the fact that you are not paying any attention to him. If your dog barks too excessively, then you need to make him understand the command �quiet’ or just get him to �sit’. Dogs do not bark much when they are in this position so use it to your advantage. Reward him if he is quiet for a while and in time, he will understand the command �quiet’.

3.Interior decoration � Some dogs tend to go on a �interior decoration’ binge, so if you are not keen to let your drawing room undergo any radical alteration at the hands of your dog, you need to read this. Your dog could be undergoing teething issues and is seeking a way to relieve that irritation in his gums. You can deal with this by getting him some chew toys. There are times when he tends to chew the furniture especially when he feels lonely, you can deal with this by spending more quality time with him.

These are some of the obedience tips that you can use to effectively train your dog. Just remember that there will be times when your dog may make you see red. Beating him will not work and is actually unkind, so resist that impulse and with a bit of patience, you can get to stop an �encore’ from taking place. With the help of the Adam G. Katz methods, you should be able to do just that.