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Why Do Dog Training Aids And Tools Exist? Because They Work!

27 12:08:34
Using dog training aids, tools and learning their correct usage helps to ensure that you never lose your temper with your dog.

The well trained dog is normally quite proud and loves to show off his skills. The well trained dog is normally far more content and happier than his untrained counterpart. He has his jobs and responsibilities that allow him to secure his place within the family.

Dogs need to know and understand their place within each family. Generally dogs derive a true sense of security if allowed to perform the jobs they are taught to do. They also know there is normally some reward for a job well done. The reward may be a treat or even simple praise from a family member. For the dog its the reward and not what the reward actually is.

Most dogs enter family life as puppies and in reality as puppies they are easier to train. Thankfully there is a plethora of dog training aids and tools that make dog training easier. These aids and tools exist because when used properly they simply work. Like any tool or aid it is the users responsibility to learn the proper way to use the tool.

There is almost nothing that can be bought for a dog that with some thought cannot be used as an aid or tool to train your dog. Dogs are not unaware of what we do. A dog can become excited simply by picking up his leash. It is a signal he will become involved with his owner. This could be a sweater in the winter time or a particular toy he recognizes.

The dog may become so excited he scampers around the house or even jumps up on his owner. The leash shouldn't be attached until the dog sits peacefully in front of you. In time he will learn that is part of his job no matter the excitment he feels. It is up to us as the dogs owner to consistently and constantly teach desirable behavior to our pets.

The dog training responsibility fall on us as owners and that is the only reason dog training courses exist. Dog obedience courses are for us humans not nearly so much for our dogs. The obedience course is a dog training aid or tool that should be used for most first time dog owners. There are right ways, wrong ways, and easier ways of doing things. That is what obedience schools try to teach and why so many people attend the courses.

The dreaded "H" word. There is one facet of training that is an absolute must. That is house breaking. Not being house broken is the number one reason owners get crazy mad and frustrated with dogs. It is a major reason that so many dogs end up homeless and cowed, afraid of their owners and sometimes people in general.

Number one on my list of dog training aids and tools is cage or crate training for house breaking. It is a training tool every prospective or even experienced dog owner should incorportate into the dogs life. It is not cruel or any other derogative term one could think of.

In a matter of a day or three with just a little help from us puppies and even mature dogs adjust readily and happily to having their own private and secure space. The cage trained dog always knows where he can go to rest or just be out of the way. For the dog his cage represents security, safety, a place that is his alone anytime he wants or needs it.

It is imperative for us the dogs owner to be certain, to learn and know the basics of how to housebreak and control our animals. Great dogs are not born they are made by owners who make the time it takes to make a dog great. The great thing is. Anyone can learn basic dog training.