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Train Your Dog With Love And Not Just Food

27 16:22:54
When thinking about dog training, think of your dog as a remote that has to be programmed in order for it to work properly. Though the remote has the capability to function, someone needs to tweak it to coincide with the television. The potential is already within your dog, you just have to use the tips below to bring it out.

Look at things from your dog's point of view. You can easily become frustrated with your pet if they do not learn the basics quickly or not at all. Try putting thinking like your dog would, rather than quitting. Your training will improve if you view things the way they do.

Your dog needs to be up to date on his training. This will help to make them more obedient. Often, owners get the feeling that they do not need to continue working with the dog once it is trained. Pets are just like humans, in that they follow habitual routines. So, it's very important that you review your training with your dog regularly.

Repetition is what causes a dog to learn. You might have to repeat the same exercise up to fifty times before your dog remembers it. Being patient while trying the same task or command will allow your dog to understand it.

It takes many repetitions before a dog learns a new command. It may take as many as fifty repetitions before your dog learns the command. Firmly and steadily repeat the command. Remain patient and eventually the command will be learned.

Give your dog more freedom as he or she gets further along in the training program. The balance between freedom and obedience will give your dog a satisfying life. Avoid giving too much freedom early on, as this can easily counteract your training.

Always make use of positive reinforcement when it comes to training your dog. Sweet treats or gentle petting are great rewards when the dog is behaving properly. Don't shout at a dog or hit them. This is ineffective and will just convince your dog that you don't know what you are doing. You should talk to them in a stern voice but always be nice to them if they do a good thing.

You should keep doggy treats handy for rewarding your dog. You want to teach your pooch that good behavior is beneficial. This helps the dog understand what is right and what is wrong.

Don't ever reward destructive or bad behavior. This will only teach the dog that it can do what it wants and has power over you. Refrain from giving your dog treats for bad behavior, as this reinforces something negative.

Make training fun for you and your dog. Remember that dogs have short attention spans, and keep your sessions short accordingly. Keep your rewards coming and vary what you give them. Dogs get a kick of compliments and praise. When the dog enjoys their training, they will listen better.

While it may be hard, you need to always be patient with your dog. Sometimes we forget that our pets don't understand our language, much less our thoughts. He will pick up physical gestures, and this is how he will learn from you. Take a breath and relax if you feel your frustration starting to creep up.

One thing to remember when dog training is that all your actions are molding its behavior and personality. It is essential to know this because you might inadvertently undo desired behaviors by teasing or engaging your dog in horseplay. You want to constantly be teaching your dog the behavior that you want it to have.

Short training sessions are the best idea. A dog has a short attention span, and a 15 minute training session is just about right. After each time you do some training, spend time horsing around with your dog, and let him know what a good boy he is.

Vary the treats you use as rewards for your dog during training sessions. These treats should be easily distinguishable from the common biscuit variety you may give your dog on a regular basis as special achievements in training merit special edibles in reward.

The majority of pet owners are pleasantly surprised to find out that training their dog to learn basic commands is a process that takes only a short amount of time each day and fits smoothly into their lifestyle. Moreover, they are often astonished at how quickly their dog begins to respond to the commands. If you and your dog need to spend some quality time together, try working with him on some of these dog training tips.