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Boxer Dog Training: Using Crate Training For House Breaking

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If you are trying to find an effective way in which to house break your new boxer puppy, then you really should consider crate training. This type of boxer dog training is a very efficient and very effective way to train your puppy. This is because a boxer's natural instinct is to make their owners happy.

What You Should Know About Boxer Dog Training With Crates

The concept behind crate training is that your boxer will naturally strive to avoid soiling the area where it eats and sleeps. Whenever you place your boxer in the crate you are participating in a type of boxer dog training that will enhance this instinct. This is because your boxer will begin seeing the crate as its den and will try to avoid soiling the area.

The key to making this boxer dog training successful is establishing a good routine, which will encourage your puppy to do its business outside. Of course, every time this happens you will need to shower him with praise and whenever he fails to not show him your frustration or anger.

With this type of boxer dog training, it is important to only keep your puppy in his crate whenever you are not home. So, as soon as you get home you will want to take him out of his crate. From there, you will want to promptly take him to his toilet area. If you do not do this, you will only set back the process. For this reason, your puppy should be allowed to use the toilet every 45 minutes. Once outside, give him between 3 and 5 minutes to do his business. If he does not toilet during this time period, then you should immediately put him back into his create. On the other hand, if your puppy does his business, then you should reward him with praise, food, play, affection and either an extended walk or a period of play inside or outside of its crate.

While you are engaged in this boxer dog training you will also need to keep a daily diary of when your puppy does its business each day. This is because when you feed your puppy on a regular schedule, his toilet schedule will also be consistent. Once you have a good idea of when he needs to do his business each day, you will find this boxer dog training to be a lot easier.

Dealing With Accidents During Boxer Dog Training

You do not want to punish your puppy whenever it makes a mistake or has an accident while you are doing this boxer dog training. Instead, simply clean up the accident. It simply means that you have allowed your puppy to have unsupervised access to your house too quickly. You need to remember that you cannot allow your puppy to have unsupervised access to your home before you can actually trust her bathroom habits. When the mistake happens, make sure that you go back to your boxer dog training and take a few steps back to help move the process along.