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The 3 Magical Keys To Successful Dog Training

27 12:11:38
Dog Training Tips

To get the very best from training your dog you need to be aware of a few really key points. Whatever behavior you are trying to achieve, whether it be coming when called, sitting, stopping barking or anything else, understanding these keys are essential to achieving fast results. You will be amazed at the effect on your dog and the bond that will develop between the two of you.

First and foremost, you must win over the mind of your dog. Without this it will be a continual struggle. What this means is getting your dog to look to you as the decision maker in all things. There are in fact five golden rules to becoming the pack leader, which should be your aim. These are covered in video training courses and I recommend you view them. An example is

After winning over your dog, the next step is to motivate them. By discovering what your dog most enjoys in the way of play, exercise and rewards you will find it easier and more enjoyable to achieve the results you want in your training. Try various things and see how your dog reacts; this will tell you what they find the most pleasurable.

Every dog is different but the three main types of rewards are:

Food: a wide range of options to try here!
Love and attention: these may include cuddling, patting and using your voice in praise
Games and toys

By finding out how your dog likes to be rewarded you will get him/her to work that much harder in training; it will be more fun and rewarding for you both.

When using food rewards, remember the following:
1) provide variety - don't make the rewards just food every time
2) Never let the odog know what the reward is - make it a surprise
3) Never under any circumstances give the dog a reward without it first demonstrating the right behavior

The last critical key to training success with your dog and eliminating any dog behavior problems? Practice!

By following these simple principles training your dog or puppy will be a pleasure. If you motivate them and show them what you want you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly your dog learns and how any problems will disappear.

Have fun!