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Make A Good Dog An Exceptional One With These Tips

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There are lots of benefits to dog training. Your dog will be a better dog and you will be a better dog owner. The following article will offer many tips and techniques associated with dog training. You'll be so happy during the sessions and afterward.

Make sure you have your dog 'fixed' when he or she is about six months old. You need to do this at the same time you start obedience classes. When your dog is spayed or neutered, it is a nicer pet and is better at obedience. This will make your dog easier to train.

Have patience as you train your dog. Dogs, like people, learn in different ways at different speeds. Certain dogs have the ability to quickly learn new things. However, for others it may take a lot of time for them to realize what you want them to do. Patience is the single most important thing to keep in mind if you want your training to be effective.

For a dog to become house trained you should always have them on the same feeding schedule everyday, so their elimination time is always the same. This can help you avoid accidents on the carpet by becoming aware of when the dog needs to go. Conversely, this also teaches your dog that he may need to wait to go to the bathroom.

When a behavioral problem suddenly occurs you should take the dog to the vet to eliminate health problems. Animals that are in pain or that have certain health conditions may lash out or behave inappropriately. This is your dog's way of seeking help with a potential problem.

If you want to train a well-behaved dog, you should never walk it with a tight leash. This will give your dog the impression that they should always pull. This isn't what you want! Make sure that the leash is comfortably slack when walking your dog.

There is no denying that dogs possess certain innate urges and behaviors, and therefore it is necessary that they be allowed to exhibit them on occasion. Any dog requires a healthy diet, room to move about freely and constant stimulation.

Never allow yourself to be led on by your dog. You are the one in charge. Therefore, make sure you use a short leash and a solid training collar. Always walk ahead and pass through gates first so that you stay in control. Do not forget that you are the top dog!

Make sure your dog stays calm as you enter a space that he is in. You should make sure they are calm when you come into the house or in the room that they are in. Don't acknowledge them when you enter so that you can ensure a controlled environment for how and when playtime starts.

Have a treat prepared for rewarding your dog when they follow a command properly. You want your dog to recognize that when you give it a command and it does the task, it is doing what you want it to do. By rewarding your dog after it does something you want, it will realize that it's doing a good thing. Therefore, it will be more likely to continue this good behavior.

You should not tie up multiple dogs where they can reach each other, no matter how friendly they are. The leashes or chains can become intertwined, causing harm to one or more of the dogs. If one dog is larger than the other, it could accidentally tangle the cord around the smaller dog's neck, causing it to become unable to breath, and possibly die.

It is probably important to you how successful your show dog becomes. The advice provided in the below article are certain to help you train your dog effectively. These tips may not work in every case, but they are a great starting place.