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7 Keys To Successful House Training Your Dog

27 16:22:47
You love dogs or you just got a new puppy, but you just can't seem to comprehend how to successfully house train them.

Below I present to you the most essentials things you need to be successful in house training your dog.

1. House training your dog requires the support of your whole family member. Good and Effective house training comes from consistency in you and your family actions towards the dog by knowing and following the training and understanding the rules set forth for the dog.

2. Knowing the background of the dog you are bringing home, like the breed, the age, where the dog comes from, whether the dog come from a well trained house or from the shelter. Certain breed is easier to house train where others maybe a little bit more challenging and therefore you must be emotionally ready for it. House training is best conducted when the dog is still young, If the dog is already matured and have not gone house training, then it will be much more difficult to house train him but you should not move back from it, as House training your dog will go a long way and it is undeniably worth it.

3. It is much easier to set up new good habit than removing an old bad habit. So instill new habit instead of trying to break your dog bad habit, it is surely takes a lot more effort, whenever possible always establish good habit from the start, when you can't dispose the old bad habit, try to replace the old habit with new and more exciting program for your dog.

4. Whenever possible, you should house train your dog yourself instead of giving it into the hand of professional dog trainer, this way you can have a better and meaningful relationship with your dog. Enjoy the process and enjoy each other companion, this will make house training a much fun process.

5. Think about what role and part of the family, your dog will play even before taking the dog home. There are things you have to think about like, which part of the house is your dog allowed to go into, where he should be sleeping, is there anything in the house that can cause accident to your dog, how does your dog will increase your cleaning up work? and many more consideration. Once you think this through, you will be able to prepare well and put all this considerations into your house training modules.

6.Establish a schedule and live by it. Whether the dog is young or has been abused, setting the routines ease them as they will slowly understand and know what is coming. Of course to be successful, you should establish routine in conjunction to your family routine and schedule. Be persistent and patient while conducting the routines as not all dogs able to learn house training in a week.

7. Establish consistent locations for your dog, such as potty place, sleeping place, etc. Don't change these location as it may confused your dog. Dogs not only need consistent schedule and command, they also need consistent place.

Those are the 7 factors to successfully house train your dog. House training your dog early will definitely provide the path to meaningful relationship between you and your dogs