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Training Your Pets

27 18:06:17
When you get a pet it is very important to train them. If you do not train them your pet is likely to cause you a lot of problems for years to come. Simple instructions can be taught to animals so that your life is easier. It can be difficult to train your pet but if done correctly it can be done easily.

Dogs are the most common pets to train as training can stop them running off and chewing stuff. With dogs it is important to start young as they are more likely to learn. With puppies you should use lots of encouragement and praise as they are more likely to react to positive vibes. As well as this you should use a lot of treats for your pet which shows more encouragement. When training a puppy you should remember how young the animal actually is; when they are so young they are very immature which means it will take time to train them so be patient. At the end of each session make sure the puppy is happy. To actually be able to train your dog you have to build a strong relationship with the dog so it trusts you.

When training your dog to sit you will need to do so before they are about to get something. For example just before you are about to feed your dog try making them sit. While doing this you should make sure that your dog understands what you want them to do. The command should be repeated daily so that your dog remembers it. After a while your dog will pick up the command. This will work for most commands but the more complex the command the longer it will take them to learn it. The most important thing to remember is be patient, keep it fun and make sure the dog understands what you want it to do.

Cats can be trained as well but their commands are should not be like the dog commands. There is no point training you cat to sit as you may as well get a dog but you will need to train your cat to use its litter box and to use its scratching post. To train your cat to use their litter box you need to keep things friendly. If you punish the cat for doing its business on the carpet and the drag it to the litter box you make the cat want to avoid you and make them think that the litter box is a bad thing. When the cat goes over to the litter box reward the cat then if you see the cat using the litter box reward the cat even more. You will need to play with you cat everyday so that it is happy as an unhappy cat will not use the litter box. To stop your cat from scratching against the furniture you need to make using the scratching post fun, this can be done by playing with your cat when they use the post. As well as this to stop your cat scratching against your furniture you need to make it seem unattractive to the cat. This can be done by finding out what your cat does not like then replicating it on the furniture. In addition to this you can get a spray that makes cats stay away or you could even spray the cat with water when they use the furniture.

To stop your cat from biting it is all about what you do. Generally if everything is normally quiet then there is a lot of noise the cat will bite to defend itself and this is the same with rough play. If your cat does bite you shout "OW" really loud and then ignore your cat. This will make it clear to the cat that they have done something wrong and from then on they will not bite but this will take time. With dogs it is almost the same but you should never hit your dog as the dog will either become scared of you or it will think that you want to play rough. With cats and dogs you should encourage acceptable behaviour and discourage unacceptable behaviour but not by scaring or hurting the animal.

To stop an pet from barking, meowing or just making noise too much then you should discourage it by shouting "NO" and then ignore them. When they stop making noise wait a while and if they are quiet then reward them. If the animal continues to be loud then a shock collar is a good way to prevent this. These do not harm the animal but they will associate the short shock with making the noise and then after a while they will stop.